First Day Of Second Year

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I would have liked to wake up in a better way but Redina was being dramatic and wanted her feed. "It's only 5:30, couldn't you let me sleep at least 30 more minutes?" She looked me dead in the eyes making no sound nor blinking. "Ugh fine, your lucky I went to sleep early."

After feeding Redina I looked at the clock. "Only 5:46! Ugh I might as well get ready, thanks a lot Redina."

I walked into the bathroom, taking off Draco's hoodie and hanging it up along with my pants. I tied my hair up in a quick ponytail (if you have short hair it'll be pinned back) and hopped into the shower.

I didn't need to wash my hair just skin care so it was a quick shower. I wrapped the towel around my body walking over to the mirror, I grabbed my moisturizer putting a little amount on my face.

"Hm maybe I'll clean my eyebrows up a bit." I brushed my eyebrows cutting the long hairs, and plucking the hairs under my brows. My eyelashes are naturally curled so all I do is add a little bit of mascara sometimes if I'm feeling fancy I add small wings.

After adding some red tinted lipgloss I was finished with my face, I got changed slowly to try waste some more time "What!? Why is it only 6:37" I then heard a knock on the door "Hey (N/n), it's just Lucy can I come in?"

I walked over to the door with all my belongings in hand, while opening the door I say "the bathrooms all yours." She smiled at me "Your done already?" I nodded. "Redina woke me up at 5:30 cause she was being dramatic wanting her food."

Lucy started laughing "What are you going to do? We don't have breakfast till 8." I sighed and shook my head, "Well you can start by getting the girls up, Oh the first years already up." I laughed and walked out shutting the door behind me.

"Good morning (N/n)!" I hear a cheerful voice sprout, "Good morning- Ginny!! Your sharing a room with us? I'm so glad it was you an not some other first year." I say running over and hugging her "Hey want to help me wake up these lazy girls?"

We both ran and grabbed our pillows "ok ready 3.. 2.. 1!!" We then started hitting the girls with our pillows soon the room was filled with screams.

"What the hell (N/n)!" They all yelled at me "Sorry girls but it's time to get up. Get ready for our first day back!" I saw Stephanie reach over to look at her clock.

"What the- (Y/n) it's only 6:46!!" I laughed and ran out of the room. By the time I knew I was far away from the Gryffindor dorms it would have been around 7. I then noticed a nice spot under a magnificent tree of course I went and sat on the bench.

I was watching the sun as the sunrise was slowly coming to an end. I was pulled out of my little trance "Hey! What are you doing out here it's freezing." I turned around thinking it was Harry "Draco?" He came walking over to me.

"How many of my hoodies are you going to have?" He chuckled handing me his hoodie "Oh no I can't, you'll be cold." He takes a seat and puts the hoodie on my lap. "Are you blind I have a long sleeve on I'll be fine you on the other hand aren't, you don't even have your robes."

I looked down to see he was correct, I sighed and put his hoodie on "I hate when your correct." I pouted as he just sat there and chuckled. He pulled the hood up "Stop making that face." He said quietly but my hearing was able to pick it up.

"Hm why?" He looked at me a bit shocked "You heard that!?" I nodded, he looked away slightly "it's cause you looked really cute.." he embarrassedly stated.

I blushed and couldn't help a smile form on my lips "Thank you." He looked up at me smiling as well, it was then quiet not awkward but a comfortable silence.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now