What am I?

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Well thank you, for all this great information that is. We'll just get going so we can find out some more things." I grab Harry as we walk back towards the exit. Protect your brother. Mothers last words rang in my head. I will, I promise I will.

"Go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command. But I cannot dent fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodby friends of Hagrid." Aragog said. 

"Can we panic now?" Ron whimpered. Spiders started surrounding us the boys took out there wands. I was glare at the spiders as I felt my eyes changing... I think.

"Know any spells?" Ron asked "Just one, but it can't take care of all of them, (Y/n) on the other hand knows a lot." Harry said "it was nice knowing you two." Ron are you deaf, just then a blue car drove in running over several spiders "Lets go!" Harry yelled.

My finger nails began to feel weird I looked down at them to instead seeing my normal nails I saw them changing into claws. "(Y/n)!!" Harry yelled from inside the car "Go without me! I'll catch up." I yelled back.

"What are you thinking we're not leaving without you, just get in-" I cut him off by some how sending the car flying, this car had like it's own mind and knew what I was doing and continued to drive.

"Oh so you stay?.." Aragog says "I... Must... Protect.. My brother." I look up at Aragog and from the reflection of their eyes I could see that my eyes were red and I was growing white scales. I could feel myself growing bigger and my bones changing. What is happening to me!?

When I opened my eyes I was touching the top and I had four fucking legs?! "I knew you weren't human, but I didn't think you were a dragon." Aragog said "excuse me.. What!?!"

He wasn't wrong I could see my whole body being reflected in the spiders eyes. I really am a Dragon. (Btw her teenage dragon look will be at the bottom go take a look.)

The spiders were backing off me I guess they're afraid of me. I back out of the tunnel thing and stand up tall actually being able to see my true height (She's not as tall cause she's still growing.)

I'm glad I don't have a big fear of heights cause this is high and I'm not even flying. Flying that means I have my own wings... I stretch them out wow they're massive. That's when Aragog comes out. "I'm not here to fight with you just let me go get my baby's their food back."

I stand up even taller trying to make myself look scary "I cannot allow that." I say as I show my fangs "Neither do I want to hurt you, Aragog." He looks at me and speak "As do I, we wouldn't want to be on your bad side."

Then Aragog quickly runs after them I'm probably not fast on my feet but dragons are known for their fast flying. I lean down on my front arms, in the position of a dog wanting to play and they have their ass up in the air, I think yoga made a weird version of that downward dog or something.

Anyways I stretched my wings out and launched myself in the air flying as fast as I could to the direction they went in, I caught up quite quickly to see my Brother and Ron trying to get the car to fly so they can go over Aragog's head but it won't stay in the air long enough.

I grabbed the car and flew up higher going right over Aragog. I could hear Ron screaming like a little girl "Harry, they have claws! We're going to dieee!" I looked down at then through the front of the car and snorted hot steam on him making him scream even more. I looked over to Harry to see that he was also a bit scared.

Hmm maybe I'll keep this a secret from them, "Harry it's a dragon! But why is there one here? Oh how my brother would love to see this." I just continued to watch where I was going.

We made it back to Hogwarts, I gently put the car down and landed next to them, we watched as the car went back to the forest. "Hey you seem friendly, uh she's you perhaps seen my sister?" Harry asked.

"Stupid, Dragons can't understand us." I then blew hot steam on Ron again and gave one single nod leaving Ron shocked. I walked off to go change back but Harry started following me so I gently pushed him back with my nose. "I think she wants us to stay here?" Ron walked up to Harry. I nodded at him and ran off to the forest.

Ok now how to change back, first I cleared my mind and relaxed the only thought I had was changing back into a human then I gathered all my energy I could fee myself changing back to i gathered more energy and was successfully back to normal "Yes I did it." I jumped up happily and ran back out to the others.

I ran and jumped on them bringing them both into a big hug "Oh thank god you two are ok. I was worried." I put on a fake worried act. "You were worried, (N/n), we were the ones being worried you made us leave you there to deal with those spiders-" I cut Harry off.

"And they won't harm us anymore." I said smiling up at Harry "Did you see that cool dragon! It helped us out." Uhh think of an excuse anything will do. "Pfft of course I do that was.. Snowflake I asked her for help cause there was way to many spider and cause I've been studying a lot in Professor McGonagall's classes I turned her into a dragon. Can I trust you guys to keep it a secret." I asked with a pleading face.

Harry covered Rons mouth cause he knew he was going to say so sing stupid "Of course we will." I hugged Harry tightly saying a small thank you.

"Follow the spider. Follow the spiders! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him, I mean what's the point in sending us out there? What have we found out?" Ron said.

"We know that Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets." I said as Harry finished off "He was innocent." I looked at him both with a weird 'yeah' face "I tried to tell you guys that but you wouldn't believe me." The boys just chuckled at me.

I couldn't find one that was smaller so I settled for this, the black will come through as she grows up you just have to imagine the horns are black and she's smaller than this picture cause she is only a teenager. Also feel free to ask me questions and I'll answer them as best as I can 🥰

  Also feel free to ask me questions and I'll answer them as best as I can 🥰

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