The Chamber

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Harry and Ron came with me today to visit Hermione, "She's going to be so mad when she wakes up and finds out what we did." I say with a laugh "She'll kill us cause we got ourselves in danger again." Ron rolled his eyes.

"Well probably you two, she knows I get dragged into this." I laughed as they looked hurt "But she'll be mad cause we got to see an acromantula without her. It's on her list of mythical creatures to see."

"You actually listen to her?" Ron said a bit surprised, I slapped him across the head "Oh of course I do you idiot, Mione and I are like sisters we have the same interests. It's easy to talk to her as well.... she's my other half." I say as I grab her cold hand.

"Oh your other half I see." Harry said "Gosh Harry, you know what I mean." I gave him an annoyed glare he put his hands up with a regretful smile. I moved my hand away and something cut my hand "Ouch!" I say as I look at my hand, a paper cut?

"Are you okay?" Harry asks as he walks closer. That's when I noticed a scrunched up paper in her hand, I managed to get the paper out with out ripping it. I opened it up and saw that she found out what the creature is... even though I tried to tell them what it was.

I just pulled Harry and Ron outside with me and gave them the paper. "Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spiders flee before it and only the crowing of the rooster can kill it." Harry read out loud.

"This is it! The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. That's why (Y/n) and I can hear it speaking. It's a snake." Harry said. I started clapping and they looked at me confused "Congratulations you finally figured it out." I said with annoyance.

"What do you mean-" I cut Harry off. "What do I mean? What do I mean! Harry all this year I've been trying to tell you all that it's a Basilisk! But no one listens to me instead they just cut me off! You all said you'd listen to me more from now on since last year's incident! But you guys didn't. Only Hermione! But she's gone now!" I let the anger in me out.

They looked quite guilty "We're sorry (Y/n)... I was just so caught up in all of this that I forgot that you have more knowledge than any of us... I just don't want to reply on you for everything. We'll listen from now on. Well we know that by looking in it's eyes you'll die, but why is no one dead?" He asked.

"That's the thing if you look directly at his eyes you will, but no one did look in it's eyes." Their faces lightened up as they caught on "Colin saw it through his camera." Ron said "Justin must've seen the basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick! Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost so he can't die again." I smile seeing as they're actually communicating with me.

"And Mione saw it through her mirror." I added "But what about Mrs. Norris? She didn't have any thing like the others had." I had to think for a bit "Ah yes how could I forget, there was water all over the floor she would have seen the reflection through that."

"The crowing of a rooster is fatal to it. That's why all of Hagrid's roosters were killed and the spiders fleeing away after every attack." Harry then finishes what I was saying "it all fits in perfectly."

"But how does it travel around the castle? A big snake like that is bound to be seen by someone" Ron asked "A while back (Y/n) and I heard the voice coming from the walls." Ron looked confused. "to be more specific, the Basilisk is travelling through the pipes. The piping system goes all throughout the school."

"Do you guys remember what Aragog said?" They looked at each other then back to me "which part?" They said in sync as I giggled "When the chamber was first opened and a girl died." They nodded "Yeah I remember Aragog said she died in a bathroom." Harry answered.

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