Chapter Three

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I flip my blade and push the man out of the way, stabbing the thing in the head. I watch the body fall and breathe hard. I put my blade back into my holster and tilt my head, I turn around and my eyes catch his. 

"Y-Y/N!?" You slowly walk up to him, scrolling your eyes up and down.

"Leon, long time no see." You raise a brow while meeting his eyes, he then takes a step closer to you. 

"I thought you were done with me." I scoff and cross my arms.

"Why would I ever do that? I had things to take care of, and I didn't want you to get hurt." After finishing that sentence I see a woman walk up to us. "Ah, I still see your a lady killer." I wink at him and extend a hand. "Y/N L/N, you?"

"Helena Harper." Her looks give me a cold chill, her gaze still stays on mine. I nod and look over to Leon, noticing him a bit stiff.

I stare down for a bit and quickly look up at him, I then get onto the bus. I stay behind the driver and watch Leon and Helena get on as well. Leon commands the guy to go before a huge thump fills the bus. I fall back a bit and feel a tight grip on my arm, Leon shoves me close to him. He turns his head and I look straight. I watch a big zombie cover our way, we all then start to shoot it. I pass the rifle to one of the survivors and keep shooting.

The zombie falls and the driver runs him over, I lower my weapon and calm down for a bit. Leon then turns to me and sighs.

"Let me take this call, and after we can talk." I flutter my eyes and smirk, I walk away to the back and hold onto the window frame. After a few minutes I feel my device vibrate, I take it out to hear it ring.

I turn around and answer the call, seeing Ada appear on my screen.

"I don't have a lot of time to explain, but you know about Simmons." I look back and see Leon focused on his call, I then try to cover the conversation by whispering.

"Let me guess, he's your target too?" I smirks ans nods.

"I assume we're on the same side, now keep doing what you're doing--I'll be meeting you soon enough." I end the call and turn around to see Leon right behind me, I put away my device and raise a brow.

"Don't ask questions about that, cause you'll soon get answers. Now..why are we spying?" 

"Just curious." I chuckle a bit and place my hand on his chest, I lean up close but stop a few inches away.

"Let's stop playing games and focus on what's happening." I drop my arm and back away from him. "I don't have a lot of information on this virus, but I can tell you this--"

The bus starts shaking, both Leon and I look back to the front. We run up until we turn very sharply. We all fall back and I feel Leon catch me, I sit up and notice I'm on his--shit! My face heats up and I move off of him, falling back again. I stand up and struggle to see where we are, Leon covers me as I notice we're on the edge of a cliff. 

As I look back I try to yell, I feel the whole bus slip. My body flies through the air, and I watch my eyes look around slowly. I close my eyes and brace for impact, until I feel a warm embrace around me. I shut my eyes tight and squeeze the body holding me hard, a big crash took place, once I open my eyes I felt everything slam. 

My eyes close as pain flows through my body, I hold in any screams or tears, trying to prove that I am stronger then this. No matter how many times I get hurt, I still feel helpless. I allow myself to let the fall happen, since there is no way I can get out of this now.

You've Found me || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now