Chapter Twenty-Five

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I watch as she smiles wide, showing me her sharp teeth. My mouth falls agape as she pushes me hard, I fly across the air and slam against a truck. I fall and look around for my stick, as I struggle to find it she grabs my collar again. I grunt as she slams my body against the truck, I quickly grab her arm, and reverse this on her. I grab her neck and harshly slam her against the window, the glass shatters all over her. 

She sits up and punches me, I feel the hit and back up a bit. She high-kicks and I dodge it quickly by flipping backwards. Although her speed increases as she grabs my torso and shoulders, throwing me against the railing to where Leon and Helena are. I cough seeing a bit a blood fall from my lips, my eyes slowly look up seeing Simmons transform. I start to get an idea, I smile and whip my head back. 

My head collides with hers, I turn around and finally see my stick. I know she's weakened by electricity, that's how I'll wound her. I start running until she trips me, I keep crawling and extend my hand. She grabs my leg and pulls me back to her, I snatch the stick and swing it at her. She yelps and backs off, staring down at her arm, watching as black bubbles form around the scratch.

I stand up and continue to swing at her, landing some hits but not effective ones. I kick her and watch her stumble back, before I could do a hurtful attack she gets in contact with my skin by her claws. I hold my upper arm in pain, and look at it, seeing the black again but it's spreading all over my body. I use the stick and scrape it off, and see the goop fall onto the ground. The black blood, it's apart of her--it's alive. 

I look up and she swings at my stomach, I jump back as she charges and makes me fall. My stick hangs off the ledge as she holds my body over it too. The corner of my eye I watch Simmons coming my way, this might backfire on me later but fuck it. I grab her throat and use my legs to throw her off, before completely going towards Simmons she uses her claws to hold on to my wrist. 

Her grip starts to burn as she cuts me, I breath heavily and reach over to my stick. I turn it on, pressing it on her hand. I watch as her hand starts cutting off like butter, I disgustingly keep cutting through her. She screams a loud demonic roar as her hand detaches from her body, she falls onto Simmons. I shake off her dead hand and watch her body get impaled by one of Simmons sharp bones. My hand still dangles, shocked at how this actually worked, Simmons goes back to his human form.

I watch as his open creases get covered with the black blood, like it's capturing him. I start to back-off, until Simmons grabs my hand. He pulls my body down and makes me fall, he hovers over me as I try to scoot back. 

"You...bitch!" His hand raises at me, I use my forearms and cover my face as he prepares to hit me. 

Leon runs over and tackles him, I look back at them watching Leon pin him to the ground. Leon throws punches towards his face, left and right. Helena comes over to me, giving me a hand to get up. Ada comes back looming over all of us, the light blinds Helena and I, making our hand cover our faces. Leon slowly gets up, I continue to stare at Ada, I then look down and sigh. I tilt my head towards the top of the building and climb up. I sit on the ledge looking at Leon as Ada pulls us away. We're going to separate again, it's been like this always, I wish I could change that. 

Leon Kennedy you should know that this battle isn't over with yet, she'll come back. Maybe this time with Simmons as well. 

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