Chapter Nineteen

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I dial Ada, seeing her leave me on the phone. I grunt and see a text from Stella telling me where the package is at. I follow the coordinates and quickly make it there, weird it's at a shop? A meat shop? Okay then...I slowly push the door open, seeing nothing, I close my bright phone screen and grip onto my pistol. I look over seeing a small box, I go over and grab it. I turn and see me? What the hell? She punches me, I dodge and kick her, she gathers her composure and starts to swing at me.

The box flies out of my hand and lands by the door, we race each other, I take the lead until she grabs my hair yanking me back. I yelp and trip her, I slide over and notice the box was gone, I take out the electric stick Helena gave me. I flip it in my hand and stare at myself, seeing her tense up a bit.

"Yeah, you should be fucking afraid." I swing, she bends her back and dodges. I grab her hand and swing her over the table. She rolls off, I turn and stab the stick in her stomach, watching the electricity fly through her system. I hear heels running, I look at the broken window seeing Ada pass by.

I push through the exit doors and see her go through a door. I follow her, she flies up and I follow her actions. I stare at her, her clothing--this isn't her. We land and she keeps running across this platform, my eyes look down making me follow her body. I watch my box swing forward and back, it's loosely hanging on a clip. Shit! That's Leon's evidence, I sprint faster turning a corner, my hand extends almost grasping the box until I see gun bullets fly past us. Ada and I stop seeing a BSAA guard holding their gun at us,I hear more steps and turn my head, seeing Chris approaching.

"Chris....? Why are you doing this?" I ask, seeing his joyful expression.

"You know exactly why Y/N." I stare at his finger, slowly gripping the trigger of the gun.

"No I don't, Chris please--you know me!!" I step closer, seeing the trigger pulled I brace for the bullets until it slides by me. 

I watch Chris's gun fly off our platform, Leon hits it out of his hands. Chris swings a punch at Leon, he ducks and tries to kick him. Although Chris does the same, Leon blocks Chris's attack and tries to hit him again. They both grab each others torso's and spin around, Chris throws Leon towards Ada and I. He gets back up on his feet, they both aim their pistols at one another.

"Chris?" Leon lets out, trying to balance his breathing.

"Leon?" Chris confusingly says. "What are you doing here?" Helena runs up, aiming her gun at Chris, making his partner do the same to Leon.

"They're both key witnesses, we need them." I cancel out their conversation, letting the corner of my eye notice Ada's movements. She's planning something, her hand is slowly detaching from her side. I gulp hard eyeing the box, it's right there--I need to grab it. 

"Y/N is associated with Neo-Umbrella, and she's working with them--you know what that means?" Chris says, turning his eyes towards me for a split-second. 

"Yeah, I do." Leon says, I bite my lip and slowly back up. Chris's partner looks at me, I use my hand to signal him. He confusingly agrees and lets me proceed, my hand slowly extends out. 

"And you're still going to protect this woman?" Chris asks Leon, I hold in my breath and almost reach the box.

"I am." Leon says, making me look at him. My heart feels full, but I still have doubt on who they're talking about. Ada reaches behind her and drops a flash-grenade, I act quickly grabbing the box clipped on her. 

"Captain!" His partner yells, the grenade shocks my eyes. Before I know it Ada pushes me out of the building. I crash through the glass and hear yelling from both men, I land on a car making me feel like I've broken every bone in my body.

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