Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I follow Ada, until we're finally up at the helipad. I take out the makeup and place it onto the chair, I close the door and furrow my brows. This feeling I have in my gut, it doesn't seem right, something is in the air. I have a lot of questions that are still unanswered, maybe Ada could fill me in on some of them. I turn my head, watching her stand with her arms crossed, looking down from the building. 

"Ada, that woman who was my clone, do you really have no idea who that was?" Ada slowly blinks as she turns her head to look at me.

"Never known or met her, seems weird though, I'll agree with you on that." She chuckles and looks away from me. 

Something is off with her, I know she's hiding something from me. Although maybe, it's good that I don't know. I open my mouth about to ask Ada another question, until lightning appears beside Ada from the distance. Is this the universe telling me something or am I in need for a drink. I know that this isn't over, I don't know if it's Simmons or--his men--I know that they're in danger still. I shake my head and start to walk back, Ada coughs and I stop to turn around.

"Here." She approaches me and hands me a sniper, I take it feeling the heaviness. "You're going to need it, don't get close." Why is she telling me this? She seems worried, but for what reason? I watch her walk away from me and grapple to the nearest building. 

Why is she acting weird? I flutter my eyes a few times and focus on the main objective. I have to find them, just to check if they're alright. I take a few steps and slowly head down the stairs, I place my right foot on the ground and watch a shadow loom over me. My eyes slowly look up seeing the beast transformed, the moon lights up the mutated Simmons as his shadow captures me. 

What the hell? I leave for two seconds and this man comes back from the dead. Fuck! Just die already! I hold up my sniper and look through the scope, seeing Leon and Helena fighting him off. I watch a large claw swoop down and hook a zombie, bringing it up and suck it into his body.  I squint as I start to shoot at him, seeing a bit of damage being done, as I keep shooting he picks up more zombies. 

So, he's using them for health? I look around seeing Leon pick up a metal pole and stab it into zombies. As Simmons pick them up lightning strikes, hurting him. Smart, I need to keep shooting so he keeps picking them up. After a few minutes Simmons falls somewhere, I try to look but can't see from here. I notice Helena and Leon start running to the helicopter. Shit! I have to move. I drop the sniper down to my hips and spring up the stairs, I take out my grapple gun and drop the sniper completely. 

I aim off into the distance and apply pressure tot he trigger, before I could shoot I hear my name being called from him. I stop in my tracks, and freeze in the position I'm in, I close my eyes and sigh. Damn Leon, always catching me at the wrong time and place. I open my eyes and turn my head, allowing my body to shift a bit, but still leaving my hand in the air. Wind blows through my hair while watching him stare at me. 

"Why are you leaving?" He asks, huffing a bit from the sudden run up here.

"You know, I can't be known to the DSO." He shakes his head and steps closer to me.

"You're lying." I confusingly look at him and wonder what he's talking about. "You have answers to give me, and you're trying to pull away from that."

"What? No! I-It's just confusing, I'm still trying to get answers myself. I wouldn't lie to you Leon." My hand slowly falls as I let my body fully face him. I let mt foot hover the next step, only for a claw to quickly slam on the floor. I gasp and look seeing him not dead yet, I curse under my breath and move back into the helicopter. 

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