Chapter Twenty

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I hold in my pain and roll of the car, I land on my hands and quickly get up. I run and use my grapple gun up, I hear bullets spray behind me. I land on a building and see a message from Ada, I look and read it. 

'Look inside the box, the second part you need is where Sherry's gonna be.' What?

I shake my head and open the box, seeing a syringe filled with liquid. I squint my eyes noticing something move. It's the parasite! But what does she mean second part? My phone dings and I look at another message with coordinates. It's by here? I start using my grapple gun, I press the button and start flying. Why is it by the train? I land and see a open crate, I walk over towards it, grabbing a crossbow. She's quick with her plans I'll give her that.

I hear steps approaching, and multiple doors opening. I run and slide down, hiding behind boxes. I place my hands on top of the cardboard and look above, seeing Simmons walk out with some of his men. Leon and Helena also walk out, aiming their pistols at them, which makes his men do the same. It's my chance now! I have to get ready while they're occupied. 

I carefully lift the syringe out of the box, pushing the air out a bit. I take the crossbow and pull back the strings. I place the syringe in it and lock  it up, I look back over seeing Sherry and Jake appear as well. Shit! This is gonna end badly if I don't get up there now. I jump over to crates, and land. It makes some noise but is overshadowed by bullets, I lean and see them duck behind some crates. 

I take a few steps onto the same platform he's on, I press a button locking the crossbow completely. I hang the bow on my holster and take out my stick, I charge one of his men and climb up his body. I push his throat, killing him instantly, I roll and kick another one of his men down, throwing him on the train tracks. I do a back bend, circling back around to push another one off. I flip over taking out the crossbow and shooting it at Simmons neck.

"Well played..." I take steps back and chuck the crossbow, seeing it get shattered by the train. He grabs onto my shoulders, I throw us both on the moving train. I roll away from him, and get space between us. I run and watch him chase after me, I take out my grapple gun and aim it, although Simmons almost hits it out of my hand. 

I spin around, making him cornered on the train. Footsteps approach, it was Leon and Helena. 

"Take care of him will you?" I say to Helena, I smirk and grapple away quickly. Ada then suddenly calls me.

"I see you're doing well. Listen bunker down until I finally find them, you'll be safe with Leon." I land and relax for a second.

"Wait what?" She sighs and looks at the screen again.

"I've lost them, so for now keep a low profile. I'll send you the BSAA safe zone." I nod and look at the sky, seeing another attack fly over. "Now hurry!" She ends the call as I make my way to the zone. I message Leon, making sure I follow through with the plan.

I find the spot, survivors pile in the doors as guards escort them in. I look around finding a random fabric on the floor. I swipe it up and tie it around my face, I get in line and get nervous. Once I arrive the guards look at me, they look at each other and then back at me.

"Ma'am we need you to take off the mask, just to check if you're infected." One guard says, my eyes go back and forth. 

"I have a skin condition, but I am not infected." He scoffs and shake his head.

"She's with me." Leon appears with Helena, showing his ID. Both guards nod and escort us in, we follow them to a room. We enter but Helen stops at the doorway, Leon turns around letting his arm rest on the door frame.

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