Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"We have to move up!" I yell, seeing Simmons disappear. I grapple onto another part of the building, I look down seeing the one I was on crash down. Once I land I watch Simmons start to chase after Leon and Helena.

He's here, he made it. I watch Helena make it to the open window, leaving Leon to continue to climb up. I shoot at Simmons as he tries to hurt him, I reload my gun, once I look up I see Simmons jump down to my level. I dodge his claw, only for him to run at me, my body rolls and I feel a sharp pain in my head. I feel weak to get up, my eyes slowly close as I stare at Simmons transforming into a human. 

(Leon's Point of View)

I look back seeing her body fly back, rolling. Her eyes close as Simmons starts walking towards her. 

"Y/N!" I start jumping down, to where she is. "Helena cover me." I jump onto the building, rolling onto the broken glass. I grunt from the sudden pain making Helena yell after me, I stand up weakly and run over to her. "Y/N, can you hear me?" I lift her body up, having no response from her. 

I prop her head up to my thigh, as I shoot at Simmons. He continues to comes near us with a evil smirk. I look down not seeing her body moving or twitching from the sudden concussion, it starts to get me worried. 

"Don't let it end like this, please Y/N." I place my hand on her cheek, looking at her expressionless face. 

"Leon, let her die!" I look up, pissed off as he walks closer. He continues to yell until his voice distorts into a demonic woman. I watch as black start leaking out of his body. "She's nothing!" The demonic voice screams, "She's weak! A monster! She'll die, you know."

"Not if I can help it." I state as I grit my teeth, I start shooting at Simmons again. "Come on, wake up. You're Y/N, you can get through're mine Y/N." I look to see Simmons transform again, I lift her body and press her onto me as I cover the bullets being sprayed at us. I separate from her, watching her blink her eyes slowly.

She looks up at me, and warmly smiles while grabbing my hand. 

"Never knew you were a big softie, for me." She chuckles and I do as well, I help her up as we both aim our weapons at him. She pulls out her device, seeing that the screen is slowly giving out from being shattered. "Leon, cover me." I nod as she backs up a bit, allowing me to take the hits and give them. 

(Y/N Point of View)

I watch the bar fully be filled, I happily click the final button seeing the drive complete. I take it out and open the box it was in. I move the black padding to see a compact powder case, I open it seeing only the powder. I find a button and press it seeing it lift up, I slide in the drive and close it. I put it away and turn around, I hide my device and see Leon being pushed off the ledge. 

"Leon!" I yell as he barley hangs on, I quickly find a metal rod and flip it in my hand. I watch Ada slowly get closer to them as Simmons kicks off one of Leon's hands. I throw the rod seeing Ada catch it, she stabs him and grabs his body. 

I go over to Leon and help him up as Ada dumps his body. I grapple towards Ada, and land beside her. I pull out the 'compact powder' and show her, she nods, she knows it's complete. I have to give this to Leon, but not now, it's too dangerous. I pull out my broken device and send a message to him. I watch as he pulls it out, reading it, as he does that I throw my device into the abyss. It has too much evidence, it needed to be destroyed one way or another. He must be confused, it's cute seeing him flustered.

He reads the text and I quickly wave goodbye, my heart aches as he yells for my name. I pass by a window, giving myself a sneak peak. His hand was extended, almost like he was reaching out for me. Damn it.

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