Chapter Thirteen

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The call noise, snaps me out of my thoughts and back to them. Leon closes his device, showing that he's clearly upset. Helena stares at the ground and balls up her fists, Leon turns around and watches me move back an inch. He holds his hand out to reach me, and closes it--knowing that I'm now suspicious. My eyes look towards the bridge I almost died on, I have to be sure--I quickly look back at him.

"Did you kill the president?" Helena turns around, looking at me then Leon, waiting for his response.

"Y/N--" I cut him off.

"Did you kill the president!?" I raise my voice louder, he lowers his head a bit and closes his eyes. He opens the again and looks at me.

"Yes." I exhale and looks back at the bridge again with my eyes, Leon starts to notice making him almost look back. I speak again, having his eyes on me one more time.

"Alive?" Leon confusingly looks at Helena, she gives a sharp stare. Leon then looks back to me, with no answer still. "That's all I needed." I smirk and pull out my device, I call back to my house.

I pull the phone up to my ear and wait, I cross my arm and start slowly strutting to Leon. My eyes shifts to the phone as I hear her voice. Before she can finish her "automated" sentence I gave her when she works, I cut her off.

"It's me Y/N" She yells in happiness, knowing I'm still alive. I move the phone away from my ear a bit, making me realize how loud she's being. "Listen, the calls I took, download them and cut to where the most important details lie. Only to the callers words, not mine." She calms down and composes herself.

"On my way with that Ms. L/N" I smile with only my lips and use my left hand to create a gentle fist. 

"Text me when it's ready, I'll be sure to call you." I end the call and put the device away and appear in front of him.

"What was that about?" I breathe in sharply and stand tall.

"Nothing, now we have somewhere to be." Leon smiles a bit and shakes his head, taking the lead as we walk out.

We arrive to a big gold door, Helena reads the fine print making us wonder what could be the key. 'Kith and kin' Simmons family, but kin....something has to be fitted here. My fingers trace along the opening, it's small. My eyes narrow and I remember, Ada passed me a ring, she wanted us to have it. Must be tied with the family, I turn around and see Leon pull out the ring, he knows.

He looks at me then at the door, I move out of the way as he walks towards me. He examines the ring before gently sliding it in the hole. It fits, making the gold plates on top turn and shift slowly. I surprisingly scoff as the door opens slowly, Leon looks at me.

"Bingo." Leon confidently says, I roll my eyes letting the door slide. Once it does it reveals a massive body of water, with a beautiful flowing waterfall in the back. My face turns into a disgusted one just knowing we'll have to swim. "Guess we have to get our feet wet." Leon then goes in first, I follow making Helena trail behind.

The water smell irks me as we go in deeper, before reaching the waterfall we watch a giant fish swim through. Helena comments as it passes by, I go up to the chain, tugging it. So much for the waterfall, no wonder it's closed off. We follow the path, with lead to some ground, I happily walk out feeling my shoes heavy. I try to shake off and dry myself, I look up seeing Leon shake his head at me--is he really gonna tease me now? God, I am really not in the mood for this. As I walk I slowly look up seeing more water. Helena goes in, as I turn to look at Leon, watching his expression change to a joyful one. 

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