Chapter Ten

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As I walk I find myself in a weird mine-shaft, I keep walking until I watch Leon and Helena. Helena drops a girl's body, I watch her body morph, I look down knowing this isn't going to be good. I aim my pistol, making sure I don't miss, I press the trigger watching the girls body fall back. Helena runs over to her, seeing her lifeless body, I then start walking out hearing my heels fill the air. Leon quickly turns around towards me, aiming his gun at me. I wipe the blood dripping from my nose.

"What happened to you?" He says while slowly looking down, his eyes catch my chest. I raise a brow and his eyes shoot up.

"Oh uh--this?" I point to it with the gun barrel, "You've seen this before haven't you, Leon?" Helena turns to me, aiming her pistol. "I know, I've seen everything I need to know. I think you know what I'm talking about as well. Don't you Helena?" Her gun lowers, her tears start to pour out, I kneel down with her. "We're both on the same-side, I want him dead." I hear faint walking, it's her, I take out my gun and aim it at her. 

She smirks as my barrel stays steady on her, I notice her clothes. Why would she change? It's not like she has to cover anything. My eyes look down, even her guns are different--she has a grapple this time. My gun slowly lowers, she got cloned too--that's why Simmons--he's going after us both. 

"Ada, nice to see you again." I smirk and she bows her head a bit.

"You always were smart, and quick to pick up on things." Her eyes then get captured by Leon's.

"What the hell is going on here?" Leon asks as he tugs on my right arm, pulling me closer to him. I open my mouth to answer but Ada already beat me to it.

"It's complicated." Few seconds pass and the whole place starts shaking, "These walkways won't hold, we need to get to the lower levels." Helena hugs the dead girl, until I watch claws come out of her. 

We all drop to the ground watching it swing around. We try to fight, until we all watch the girl swing over a pillar towards us. It crashes down, taking all of us, I slam onto the ground and quickly sit up. Leon and I stand up, seeing Ada with Helena. Ada yells something, and I go closer to the edge, I then see her pass an object to me. I catch it, she tilts her head, I nod understanding.

"The rope!" Leon yells towards me as he points at it. I nod and we both run over, he kneels and offers his kneel and hand to boost me. I get a running start and jump over, I grab the rope, making it swing to Leon. He jumps on it as well, we both land at the same time. I take out the ring.

"Here." I pass it and he grabs it, it lays in his palm. His confused expression gives his next words away.

"A ring?" We both start walking.

"You'll know what to use it for." I jump down onto lower platforms, and notice another rope calling our names. We speed run everything, and make sure we'll get with Helena and Ada in time. We do the same routine, I make it onto the rope.

I grip it tight and make it swing, until I notice that girl sitting upon a ledge, watching me like a hawk. I'm it's prey now, she jumps I brace myself, Leon jumps in the way, we all three fall. I roll and make it onto a higher platform, I get up seeing Leon alright. We all shoot her, seeing her seductively touch herself. Her head snaps at me, oh shit...I watch her leap at me, I jump down and feel Leon's strong arms catch me. 

My hands find themselves on his shoulders, his hands grip my torso as he lowers me down. Our faces our inches from each other. Our eye stay focused on one another, our noses grazes as I feel my feet on the ground. I spin around seeing the woman upset, I push Leon as she grabs me.

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