Chapter Four

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I feel a cold substance land on my forehead, my eyes twitch slowly making me wake up. My eyes open, stinging a bit from  he sudden light. I sit up and blink slowly looking around, I see graves a head of me, making me turn around. I see both Leon and Helena passed out, I struggle to get up, once I do I run over to Leon. I slip a bit, which helps me get to him faster, I land on my knees and hover over him.

A stray strand of my hair escapes making me push it behind my ear, I check his pulse. I exhale out of relief knowing he's okay. I place my hand on his chest and gently shake him, I then move his hair out of the way and hold his face. He reacts, he mumble words as his eyes slowly open. I place one of my hands on his chest, feeling that his breathing got heavier. 

His eyes open and he confusingly starts talking to me, I watch his hand grab mine. My hand detaches itself from his face, as he holds it gently. 

"Y/N...." He says as he slowly sits up, he let's go of my hand and holds his head. 

"Leon are you okay?" He nods and looks around, he then looks back to me.

"Now it's mine turn to ask, are you alrigh--" I wince as he places is hand on my shoulder, he takes his hand back. We both look at his palm seeing blood, I move my hair out of the way and see a deep cut. I can't look at it fully, so I struggle to look back at it. "Let me see."

I look at Leon quickly get up and go behind me, he kneels down and eyes my cut. I bite my lip and look away, at Helena already up as well. Helena walks away as Leon takes care of me. I feel his fingers lightly trace the outline of the cut, making me shiver against his touch. He suddenly places his hand on it, I turn around and grab his hand tightly, like if he were to attack me.

"I-I'm fine, we should continue moving." I stand up and see him follow my actions, his eyebrows furrow as we walk over to Helena annoyed. 

"Hold on-" Leon says as he grabs my shoulder, before getting another word out the bus explodes. Leon covers my body as we all slowly turn to look back at it. "They escape the infection, only to die like this." 

"There's no time to grieve." Helena shakes her head while staring into the flames, she then turns to Leon. "We have to get to the cathedral."

She starts walking, Leon and I follow her in silence. I look around seeing graves, wondering if I'll be on one of those holes soon. We encounter a few zombies, while fighting I see something in the corner of my eye. I try to turn around although Leon grabbed it shovel, pressing it's back against it. He elbows the zombies head making it fall off, he drops the shovel and looks at me for a few seconds before moving on to the objective.

We pass and see a metal gate, Leon opens it making lightning appear. A zombie jumps him, I run up and watch him fall into a pit, leading to other graves. I lean over and notice Helena talking to him through his earpiece. Leon gets up and Helena calls me over, she nods stating that he's okay. Helena and I keep following the trail, leaving us in a awkward situation, she stops suddenly. She slowly turns to me with a serious expression.

"I can tell you and him have something in the past, but I have a question. Are you going against us or joining us?" Helena barely knows me, although that's not stopping her from asking deep questions. I can tell she feels threaten by my arrival, not in a relationship way--but in a different way.

"Answering honestly, I'm neither. I am not a angel but I'm not a devil either--what ever you're worried about..don't be." She looks at me up and down, she nods and continues to walk again.

You've Found me || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now