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"ugh" as I open my eyes with my head still hurting, I saw jihyo beside me.

"hey, you okay?" I touched my head and it hurt.

"what happen to you? Did Y/N hurt you?"

"no no. I just fell" I smiled at her, not wanting her to get worried.

"okay. I made breakfast"

"you go ahead first. I'll wash up" she nodded and went out of the room.

Aish. Y/N keeps popping in my head. Why do you hate her so much Y/N-ah?
What did she do to you?

When I came down, I saw jihyo on the phone. She seems to be trying to call someone.

"hey bae, whats wrong? Who you calling?"

"Y/N. She hasn't pick up my calls lately" I took her phone away and gave her a hug.

"stop hurting yourself like this"

"i can't. I love her so much. I don't know what I did wrong"

"I'm sure she'll come around. C'mon let's eat and i'll bring you to the park"

"what will I do without you?" she smiled, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I will always be here for you" I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips.


We were taking a stroll through the park and I'm just admiring her beauty.  I realised a tear flowing down.

I wiped it with my thumb and I asked "what's wrong?"

"this brought back so many memories of me and the girls together with.."

She stopped in her tracks. I know she's heartbroken.

"hey, how about we sit at the beach. Enjoy the view" she nodded.

As we were enjoying the view, I went to place my hand over her shoulder. She lean in and kissed me before lying on my shoulder.

"I love you Daniel"

"I love you too" as I carresed her hair through my fingers.

When she fell asleep, I brought her to Nayeon's house. I needed to talk with Y/N face to face.

"please take care of Jihyo for me"

"where are you going?"

"going to find Y/N"

"please be careful. After the last time, you were there"

"thanks" I smiled before heading to
Y/N hidden place.


"How does she keep this big place of her's so clean and shiny?" I whispered to myself.

"looking for me?" I turned around to see Y/N pointing a gun at me again.

"Y/N, put the gun down please. I just wanna talk"

"and why should I believe you?"

"look, I just wanna know why you keep pushing Jihyo away and why you're isolating yourself"

"mind your own business"

"I'm worried about you, Y/N"

"don't act. you just don't want to lose Jihyo"

"I'm sure you don't want to lose jihyo too"

"you speak her name one more time and I'll knock you out again" she growled.

"why do you keep following me?"

"you are hurting Jihyo, Y/N. Please just tell me why and we can talk this out"

'shit! I said her name again! She's gonna-'

and I got knocked out again...

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now