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"ugh" he finally woken up.

"Daniel! What happen to you? This is the second time in a row"

"mianhae" he kissed my forehead.

"how did I get here?"

"I saw you asleep when I got home from Nayeon's" how doesnt he remember?

"did u hit your head? Got into a fight? Daniel-"

"no baby. I didn't. I promise" he smiled and I nodded.

"hey, I'm meeting up with the girls today"

"have fun!" he pinched my cheeks.

"aigo! That hurts!" I flicked my finger onto his forehead.


"there's jihyo! Finally!" Nayeon groan.

"mianhae. I was worried about Daniel"

"its okay. Let's go!" Momo shouted.

As we were laughing while walking to the mall, when sana bumped into someone and both fell.

"aigo! Aish! Look where you're going!"

"you too!" Sana shouted.

"Y/N?" Y/N smirked at sana. She bowed at us and just left.

"well that was weird" Dahyun said.

"yeah. She would normally stay to chat" Mina pouted.

I looked down, feeling guilty. I know it's my fault that Y/N isn't talking to them when I'm around but what did I do?

"you girls go ahead. I need to talk with Nayeon for awhile"

"ah okay unnie" Chaeyoung said, clinging onto Mina.

"what is it Jihyo?"

"I'm worried"

"Daniel? He'll be fine. His a strong man"

"He's not the one I'm worried about. It's -"

"she deleted your number"


"she liked you"


"she had a crush on you since she was 18"


"she hates to see you with Daniel. She doesn't want to hurt herself or any of us so she distance herself from you"

"she distance herself from me..."

"Daniel has been following her. To get answers"

"so that explains the bruises.."

"she gone crazy for you jihyo but you're straight as a ruler"

I didn't know how or what to respond to that. I just kept quiet. Shocked by Nayeon's words.

she got a message from Y/N..

Hey unnie.

Hey Y/N

Tell the girls I'm sorry for being cold

It's okie. We understand. Don't get into trouble.


Good girl. Look you should really talk to jihyo.

I can't right now unnie.

Talk to her okie when u have time

Ugh fine. I have to go now unnie.

Annyeong. Bye bye.

Nayeon looked up at me.

"I hope she talks to you"

"I hope so too"

We catched up with the others but throughout the entire day, I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. It's gonna be the normal awkward day tomorrow, seeing her at school.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now