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{Jihoon POV}

me and jihyo were playing catching... damn she's fast...

I kept looking for her until I saw her back behind the tree.

"You can run jihyo but you can't hide" i smirked before swooping down.

I back hugged her playfully

"hahaha I got you" I at smiled at her but her face was so... she looked she saw a ghost.

I turned my head to the direction of where she was looking.

y/n kissing that princess?!

I got pissed at the sight and charged towards y/n, giving her a punch in the face.

"you asshole!" as y/n fell to the ground.

I went on top and punched her several times.

"yah! let her go!" the princess said but I couldn't care less.

"jihoon! stop!" I turned to see jihyo in tears.

I turned back to y/n and held her collar.

"what do you think you're doing you little shit!"

y/n gave me a dirty smirked.

"going out with my girl" I punched her again.

"you're cheating on my sister! MY SISTER!"


filled with rage, I continued punching her until jihyo grabbed my forearm.

"you're cheating on my sister?! You can't be serious you little shit!"

"its an arranged marriage and I always get what I want so get off her!" the princess said, pushing me off.

"what?" Jihyo started to tear up.

"well little Ms princess guardian. While you were living a happy joyful life, y/n was suffering in her own Palace" the princess rolled her eyes.

that little-

Jihyo started to cry even more now.
I immediately went to her and gave her a hug.

"Jihyo, let's go" as we took off.

The princess then went to y/n who was lying down.

We went back to the girls.

"what happen?" nayeon said as they ran towards us.

"y/n..." Jihyo mumbled.

aish that little shit... why would you do this y/n?

{No one's POV}

"what?" Sana hugged jihyo.

"jihoon.. what happened.." jeongyeon said.

"y/n cheated on jihyo.." as rage filled inside jihoon and he clenched his fist.

"w-what.." Sana said.

"t-that can't be.." Momo said.

"whose side are you on?" jihoon said.

"both. we know y/n wont do that" Mina said.

"we better-" nayeon got cut off when they saw y/n strolling in the park alone.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now