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"hey jihyo!" sana excitedly said while jumping up and down.

"hi sana" Jihyo smiled.

"hey Thomas" jeongyeon teased.

"no she's called hyomas" Sana fought back.

"wait wasn't she called as watermelon?" Nayeon nudged Momo's stomach.

"what?" Jihyo titled her head.

"oh ah nothing" Momo smiled.

Momo POV

"unnie that hurts"

"that's what you get for spilling"

"what did i-   ah okok mianhae"

"I hope nothing bad happens today"

"me too" as I rubbed my stomach.

Back to Jihyo's POV

Through out all the classes I had with her, I couldn't stop looking at her. I just miss talking to her. I miss her caring about me.

After school

"hey hyoma-" dahyun said. Jihyo just walked past by her.

"is she okay?" dahyun was worried for her unnie.

"she just had a lot on her mind" Nayeon clarified.

"if this is about Y/N-" tzuyu was cut off.

"its okay. You don't have to kill Y/N. Jihyo hasn't seen it yet" Sana said.

"see what yet?"

"Y/N's love for her" Nayeon said.

"wait Y/N loved her?" Momo gasped.

Everyone faceplamed.

"istg Momo. I'm gonna hit you" Nayeon said with her serious tone.

"y'all coming or not?" Jihyo raised her eyebrow.

"what does-" Momo asked.

"pabo. did you forget we are going to the park. Get it cause park jihyo. okay never mind" chaeyoung pouted and jeongyeon patted her back.

As everyone went to get ice cream, nayeon decided to talk to jihyo.

Nayeon POV

"Hey ji-" I saw Daniel with her. She's crying again. I ran towards them.

"hey what's wrong?"

"Y/N" Daniel paused for awhile before continuing.

"She's.... She's gone.."

"what do you mean she's gone!" as I broke down.

"I went to her hideout today and the place was empty. All her stuff are all gone. She left nothing behind except... this photo of jihyo"

It was a photo of her and jihyo. Jihyo broke down even more than before. The girls notices us and hugged jihyo.

"Nayeon unnie?" chaeyoung stuttered.

"she's gone!" I screamed as I dropped to the floor and cried.

"We will find her" Daniel said.

"how? We don't even know where she went" Mina said.

"I think I know where" Jihyo said all of a sudden.

Everyone looked at her confuse and hoping for an answer.

"I remember she told me something"


"so what will you do?"

"I'll go back home"

"home where?"

"Los Angeles"

"there's your home?"


"I-I thought-"

"I have two houses. One at Seoul which is my parents' house and one at Los Angeles which is my own"

"wah daebak. Rich kid"

"ani. There's where my grandparents used to leave. I will always visit them but since they're gone, I can't bear to sell it so it's mine for now."

"oh. I'm sorry"

"its okay. To be honest, i only use it when I visit Los Angeles so I won't need to find a hotel you know."

"oh. Smart. By the way, have I ever hurt you in any way? I just-"

"ani. You never did anything wrong. I just." Y/N stopped there.


"nothing. Its okay. C'mon I'll give you a ride. You must be tired from being beautiful all day"

"stop being so cringy Y/N-ah"

"I can't since I like you so much"


End of flashback

"she went back home!" Sana screamed.

"yah!" Nayeon slapped sana's shoulder.

"she's probably on her way there"

"I can book you girls a flight" Daniel said.


"its okay jihyo. I'll be okay besides I've got something to settle here and it's the holiday. My dad won't mind it" Daniel smiled at jihyo.

*cough**cough* "umm we're still here you know" Tzuyu said.

"oh mianhae. I'll book you girls a flight and a hotel. We'll leave tomorrow 6am sharp"

"thank you Daniel" the girls smiled.

"ill book the hotel for 2 weeks for now. If you girls need to extend, let me know" Jihyo smiled and kissed him.

"uh jihyo, I think we need to start packing for your wedding" Nayeon smirked and the girls chuckled. Jihyo gave them a death glare but they were used to it.

"you should start packing" Daniel said with a smile and Jihyo nodded and they all hurried back.

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