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Jihyo woke up and y/n was not beside her. She just thought that the older one had already awoken.

She looked out her window and it was dark, only the stars could be seen.

She checked her phone and it was 4am. She went to check up on her members in their rooms because that's what she normal does.

all the members were sleeping very comfy except for MiSaMo who had disappeared to who knows where.

Jihyo realised that they weren't at any of their houses. The house they were currently living in had alot of rooms and the house itself was kinda big...too big for a normal house to be..

Jihyo went outside and just like in the dream... that house..

Jihyo was shocked...so it wasn't a dream after all.. it was real..

Jihyo heard footsteps so she hid behind a bush. As she peeked, there stood MiSaMo.

"what are we gonna do with the princess?" Mina asked.

"i don't know.. but I know one thing is for certain.. we can't keep them here.. their dream will become a reality.." Momo said.

"do you think we hid them too hard in the head.." Sana said.

MiMo nodded.

"y/n..." Sana said.

y/n sighed before continuing.

"he escaped.."

"what?" Mina said.

"apparently.. their guards were sleeping on duty.. his parents are searching for him as well.."

"so what do we do with them?" Momo asked.

"we can't stay here.. this house is isolated from the human world.." Sana said.

y/n sighed. Jihyo hated bugs and there was a caterpillar crawling towards her. Jihyo felt out of the bush.

"ji.. what are you doing out here?" y/n asked.

"shouldn't I be the one asking you four that?" Jihyo raised her eyebrows.

"this house.. is isolated from the human world.. what does that mean?" as jihyo pointed to the house.

y/n held onto jihyo’s shoulder.

"ji.. you haven't regain your memory yet.."

"what memory?"

before y/n could say anything, something came into the light. Something unhuman...

It transformed itself into a human..


"im here to take back what's mine"

"you stay away from her" y/n said.

"you're pathetic y/n"

"you know who you're dealing with don't you.."

"relax.. of course I do.. that's why I need her.."

"you wanna fight little doggy?"

"if I have to" daniel smirked.

They both charged at each other. MiMo joined y/n. Jihyo rubbed her eyes.. are they vampires?

Jihyo couldn't believe her eyes..

She froze in her place.

She then felt a hand grabbed her forearm.

she turned and it was sana.

"sana, what's going-" as a pair of arms wrapped around jihyo's waist and brought her to the sky.

"sana!" Jihyo shouted for the girl.

If jihyo was seeing right, she saw sana had wings?!

sana flew up and attacked the stranger, causing jihyo to fall into the pool.

jihyo lost consciousness and her vision went black.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now