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Daniel and the girls woke up to no signs of jihyo. They called her but to no avail.

They went to all the places that jihyo could have probably went last night but still couldn't find jihyo.

"the park!" Nayeon shouted.

They all started running to the park.

They were at the bench where the girls and y/n would normally hang.

"her phone" dahyun saw it and passed it to Daniel.

Their hearts were beating faster than ever.

"please be okay jihyo.." daniel whispered.

"momo, what did the guy said?" Daniel looked at momo.

"she's at seoul and her stalker wants y/n to be his" Momo said.

"stalker? y/n has a stalker?" jeongyeon asked.

"yup. He's jihyo's brother, Park Jihoon. okay. Not biological brother. He's jihyo’s half-brother"

"jihyo has a half-brother?" Daniel was shocked.

"she never told anyone except for y/n" Momo looked down.

Daniel nodded his head in response.

"why did her father marry another woman?" Mina asked.

"her mom died when she gave birth to jihoon and her father didn't want jihoon to grow up without a mother so he fell in love with another women.. and that's when Jihyo was born" Momo said.

"and how old was jihoon when they got married?" jeongyeon asked.

"I think 5 years old?" Momo shrugged.

"is it bad to think that y/n could be behind this?" Daniel said out of the blue. The girls gasped.

"what are you talking about?" nayeon pushed Daniel.

"think about it. y/n loves jihyo like crazy. She'll probably do anything to gte jihyo back. So she uses Jihoon to her advantage" sana pushed daniel.

"yah! Y/N may be crazy for Jihyo but she won't go that far!" a tear fell from sana's eye.

"maybe I could be of assistance?" they couldn't make out who he was because he was wearing a mask and a hat.

He then removed his mask, it was Park Jihoon.

Daniel grabbed him by the collar.

"where is jihyo huh!"

"dude calm down-" Daniel punched him the face.

"where is she!"

"p-please I just wanna help"

"talk" Daniel face was boiling red.

"y-yes it's true that I love y/n. t-they told me to bring J-jihyo so I-I c-can have y/n because y-y/n loves jihyo but they hurt y/n and I couldn't bear to s-see b-both of them hurt"


"ill tell you everything man. Just calm down"

the girls tried to calm daniel down. Daniel then let go of him

"if you try anything funny, I'll end you" Daniel said.

As Jihoon told them everything, meanwhile from afar, "the plan is going smoothly sir", "yes sir" as the stranger smirked and walked away.

"so they took jihyo?"

Jihoon nodded vigorously.

"where are they?"

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