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It's been a few days since they were looking for Y/N in Los Angeles.

"how about we go to a pub?" Nayeon offered.

"what for?" Mina titled her head.

"I mean since we're here, let's have fun too. I mean we also need a break from searching Y/N as well"

"sure" Momo answered.

"but if Jihyo's okay with it?" Sana turned her head to the younger one.

"yeah sure. Let's go" Jihyo smiled and they all headed out.

They decided to go to 'Frolic Room' one of the best pubs in the country.
(A/N: sorry if it's wrong. I just searched it up and that's what it showed)

As they drank through the night, they were still sober but Jihyo was drunk af. The girls knew she did just to deal with Y/N in her mind.

"I JweSt NeST to Go Two bweThroom"
the girls all shook their head and chuckled. Sana offered to help her go to the bathroom but she refused so Jihyo went by herself.

As jihyo was fixing herself up, she felt a hand wrapped around her waist.

"hey gorgeous" Jihyo flinched and turned around to face the stranger. Still drunk and she thought it was nayeon.

Without hesitation, the stranger started sucking on the younger's neck. Jihyo let out a moan.

"Yah! What are you doing!" Nayeon came in just in time before the stranger could rape jihyo.

The stranger fell down on her ass.

"Y-Y/N??" Nayeon was shocked as Jihyo fell onto her shoulder and fell asleep.

"ugh wtf! Who are you?"

"its me Nayeon!"

"no! How did you even know about Nayeon?" Y/N scoffed.

Nayeon got annoyed. She placed Jihyo down and smacked Y/N countless of times to get her sober. Nayeon would always do that in the past and it kinda work.

"Yah yah! okay okay! I'm sober now! Yah!"

"finally! What are you doing here! We've been searching for you!" Nayeon was shouting causing the other female drinkers to look at them with confusion.

"Nayeon, let's talk at my apartment"

"fine! But the girls are here too-"

"okok then let's go" Y/N carried jihyo bridal style and started walking out of the bathroom.

The girls were shocked to see Y/N.

"Y/N!" Sana shouted. The girl were shocked to see Y/N carrying Jihyo bridal style as well. Y/N smiled at them as she walked out the pub. Nayeon followed and gestured the girls to come.


Y/N placed Jihyo on the couch and sat beside her. Jihyo laid on Y/N's shoulder.

The girls followed and sat on the couch as well.

"what's going on?" Dahyun asked.

"let's just say I caught our dear Y/N-"

"almost fucking Jihyo?!" Momo said.


"omg Y/N! You know she has a boyfriend"

"yah! I didn't do it on purpose okay! I was drunk!"

"still! Out of all the girls in the pub-" Momo was cut off.

"chill chill" tzuyu said.

"thanks tzu"

"no problem Y/N"

"okay so as I was saying, I was there to clear my head off. Y'all know i can't
move on from her"

The girls looked down, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry. I know it's wrong but-"

"its okay Y/N. Just don't do it again" Jihyo said with her sleepy voice as she cuddled more into Y/N's chest.

They were all shocked.

"Ji, your awake?" Jeongyeon said and she just nodded.

"y/n, why do you keep avoiding me?" she asked with her eyes still closed.


"why didn't you tell me that you like me before?"

the room was silent for 5 minutes and Jihyo finally opened her eyes and faced Y/N.

Y/N face was red as a tomato. She didn't know what to say. She's legit frozen.

Jihyo leaned in closer and their lips touch. Y/N was screaming in her head.

The girls jaws dropped. Y/N didn't kiss back, knowing that it's wrong. Jihyo pulled away.

"im sorry that we can't be together"

"i-it's okay. you're in love with him and I understand that"

Jihyo smirked, "I know you do but your heart can't accept it" and Jihyo kissed her again.

"Jihyo, what are you doing?" Nayeon asked.

Jihyo pulled away and looked at the girls. "it's okay. he told me too"

"WHAT!" the girls shouted in unison while Y/N's eyes just widened.

"to be honest, I love Y/N too. Daniel knows it too"

"ji-" Nayeon was cut off



Jihyo started sucking onto Y/N's neck. The girls went upstairs to give them some privacy.

Y/N started to moan, making Jihyo turned on.

"Don't act like you don't know what to next y/n~" Jihyo smirked.

Y/N smiled back as she started stripping Jihyo and kissing her softly. Jihyo started to strip Y/N clothes as well as they both kisses each other with passion. Y/N carried the girl and brought her to her room.

Jihyo decided to take control and straddled the older's waist, riding on her dick.

"ugh jihyo!"

Jihyo stopped for awhile. "this will be your only time to taste me y/n. So fuck me hard"

"you got it princess" as Y/N pounded her dick more into Jihyo.

Her moans got louder and louder,filling up the room.

Meanwhile in the other room

"omg they are so loud" Nayeon said.

"they better hurry" Mina said while covering chaeyoung's ear.

"definitely" Sana agreed while covering tzuyu's ear.

"and why arent you covering mine?" dahyun asked.

"you're fine. you fucked me all the time" Momo smirked.


The girls all facepalmed.

Back to the two lovers

Y/N clean jihyo up and jihyo just smirked.

"we ain't done yet sweety" Jihyo smirked and they continued through the night.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now