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It's been a week since the girls last saw Y/N at Los Angeles. They miss Y/N very much. They miss her smile, her gayness, her eyes, they just miss her.

The girls all met up at Nayeon's place except for jihyo.

"we should really find y/n. I'm worried about her" Nayeon finally said to break the sad atmosphere.

"how unnie? She doesn't even pick up our calls anymore" Dahyun stated.

Before anyone could say anything, there was a knock at the door.

Jeongyeon opened it to reveal Daniel.

"can I come in?"

"where's jihyo?" Sana asked.

"she's at home and asleep" Daniel reassured them.

"I need your help"

"what is it?" Nayeon asked.

"its about y/n. Remember the gang case that's been going around?"

The girls all looked at each other and they nod in sync.

"well... y/n may be involved in the case"

"what?!" the girls shouted.

"no. It can't be. y/n isn't like that" Mina said.

"she must be a victim" Chaeyoung said.

"well,im not sure if she's just a victim because there's been footages of y/n-"

"no don't say it please" Nayeon begged.

"so I need your girls help. We can't involve Jihyo because she might go crazy and I don't want to hurt her more than she already is" Daniel looked down, not wanting to see the girls crying faces.

the girls all discussed and they finally came to an agreement.

"we will help you find y/n but on one condition" Sana said.

"y/n cannot get hurt" Momo stated the words very clearly.

"arraseo. I will try my best" Daniel bowed.

"please keep me updated if you see her anywhere" Daniel bowed again before leaving.

As Daniel left, the girls let out a heavy sigh.

"I can't believe this" Mina said.

"same here" Momo said.

"wait" Sana said, the girls furrowed their eyebrows.

"isn't y/n still at Los Angeles?" Sana immediately checked her phone to check for y/n's handphone tracker.

"why do have a-" Momo was cut off.

"I was worried about her so I put a tracker on her phone when she wasn't looking"

"she's still at Los Angeles" Sana showed them her phone.

"then why are there footages of y/n in seoul?" Nayeon was thinking real hard and so was everyone.

Meanwhile with Daniel and Jihyo

"Jihyo?" Jihyo was on their bed, her hands covering her face.

"where did you go?"

"im sorry babe. I had work to do"

"you could've at least left me a text"

"mianhae" Daniel gave Jihyo a hug.

"why are you crying?" Daniel caressed Jihyo's face.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now