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jihyo woke up to find herself on the floor.

she looked around and she realised she's in the dark side palace.

"how did I get here?" Jihyo mumbled as she looked down.

a sword was then placed a few inches infront of her neck.

Jihyo flinched.

she looked at up to see the queen on her throne. At the corner of her eye, she could see y/n's face as she held the sword blade close to her neck.

she was breathing heavily, panicking inside.

"w-what do you want from me?" Jihyo stuttered.

the queen raised an eyebrow.

"kill her"

"what? y/n please no!" y/n didn't move an inch, her hands were trembling.

"w-what do you want from me? Please ill do anything"


"yes anything"

"join the dark side"


"its whether I take those powers of yours or you join me in ruling the world?" the queen smirked.

"b-but that's not right..."

"suit yourself"

Jihyo noticed how y/n's hand was shaking while she lifted up the sword.

"y/n please"

"do it y/n!"

"please no.."

the queen watched as jihyo begged for her life. the queen then smirked.

"do it y/n"

"no plea-"

Jihyo gasp as she sat up on her bed, causing the bunny to be awaken as well.

"Ji? What happen?" nayeon looked at the trembling jihyo, jihyo's hands were around her neck.


"i-I'm fine"

"don't lie please"

"its a nightmare"


"y/n swung her sword to my neck"

"ouch...that is scary..."

Jihyo looked down and nayeon brought her into a hug.

"im sure everything will fall in the place soon"

"how? how will everything be okay when y/n is gonna leave me?"

"i don't know much... but if you really love someone, you'll set them free and if they love you, they'll come back"

Jihyo sighed.

"i know it's gonna be hard but you're in this alone okay?"

Jihyo smiled.

"thanks nayeon"

"anytime, now we better head back to sleep"

"what time is it?"

"2:05 am plus let's sleep. Goodnight" nayeon said as she rolled to the other side.

Jihyo pouted and whispered "meanie" and she too fell asleep.


"wakey wakey sleepy head"

"hmm?" as jihyo rubbed her eyes.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now