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{Queen POV}

why do I have a feeling that something is not right here...

something... jihyo having migraines... Side effects? Maybe..

Daniel running off?

I don't get it...

why does everything seem to be going downhill ever since jihyo became bad...

what the-

{Daniel POV}

"daniel what's wrong?"

I've been walking back and forth for the past 5 minu-

"daniel!" Jihyo held onto my shoulders.

"its been 15 minutes! What's wrong with you?" Jihyo said with concern in her eyes.

Jihyo... Noona wasn't lying when he says there were really are stars in your eyes...

"nothing" I told her but she be down to the bed, her on top of me.

"nothing? Daniel, do you even love me? Or I just doing it to make your mom happy?"

Jihyo... I wish I could tell you the truth but now it's not the right time.

Jihyo tried to lean in but I moved away.


"look... Its not that I don't like you.. I just miss my noona"

Jihyo went to hug me.

"it'll be okayy. She's in a better place now" jihyo laid her head on my shoulder as she hugged me from behind.

I'm sorry noona..

{jihyo pov}

I parted the hug from Daniel and went out.

I sighed as I went into my room. Yes, I have a room of my own ofc.

I crashed onto my bed..

I lifted my head up.

I have to do something.

I have to find out whose Daniel's noona.

and whose that y/n... why does my hurt always hurt when i hear her name...

I have to find out

{¿¿¿ POV}


"no, I'm hungry"

"there's already food"

"no there isn't"

"you just want to see her don't you?"

"yes. Imma go now bye"

"wait for me"

{Daniel POV}

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now