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"could it be.." daniel whispered to himself.

"Daniel?" nayeon opened the door.

"oh nayeon"

"sorry to disturb you but we've got a problem"

Daniel and Nayeon went downstairs.

"what happened?"

the girls looked at Daniel.

"hello there kang daniel. You probably don't remember me" the stranger scoffed.

"who are you and what do you want!"

"we've got unfinished business to do my dude. bring your little girls or whatever and come over to ____"

"and what if I don't"

"you're really lame you know that"

"don't you dare lay a finger on Jihyo!"

"oh I won't but what if I shoot y/n in the head? Will that make you feel better?"

"don't hurt any of them!"

"then come and find us" the stranger hanged up.

"ugh!" daniel held both of his arms onto his head in frustration.

Daniel started punching the wall. His knuckles were bleeding.

"Daniel!" the girls hold a grip on him.

"stop! We need to save jihyo and y/n now!" Nayeon looked straight into Daniel eyes.

Daniel walked towards Jihoon.

"wake up!" Daniel hold onto Jihoon's collar and shouted to awake the sleepy Jihoon.

Daniel immediately covered Jihoon from the girls. They heard a hissed.

"you're bringing us to ___" as Daniel dragged the handcuffed Jihoon to the car.

The girls followed behind. They got into the car.

"dude, at least unhandcuffed me" Jihoon showed his handcuffed wrists and pouted.

"no" Daniel glared at him.

"then how do you expect me to put on my seat belt" Jihoon raised his eyebrows.

Daniel rolled his eyes.

"look jihyo is my sister okay. Maybe not biologically but she's still my family" Jihoon looked at Daniel with puppy eyes.

"fine!" daniel unhandcuffed jihoon and jihoon put on his seat belt.

Daniel looked at jihoon. Jihoon noticed it.

"what? Let's go!"

Daniel snapped out and started driving.

Meanwhile with Y/N and Jihyo

"I choose y/n"

"so you choose the girl who hurted you?" -???

"she never hurted me. I hurt her. I was too blind to even notice that she loves me and that I love her" Jihyo looked down and a tear fell from her eye.

"that's sweet" -???

"get ready the gun" -???


"what? You chose y/n right?" -???

"so you're technically dumping Daniel for y/n" -???

The stranger squatted to jihyo's level.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now