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"you worthless child!" as the queen once more gave y/n a huge tight slap on the face.

y/n's lips were bleeding but y/n still stood tall as she received hard slaps from her mother.

"you and jihyo used to be together. You told me you wanted to get revenge on her and look what happen? You got caught!" as the queen said as she catches her breath.

"im sorry"

"sorry?" the queen furrowed her eyebrows as her breathing gets heavier

"ill fix this"

"you better" as the queen left y/n.

"you suck you know that" daniel scoffed as he walked out.

y/n clenched her fist.

it was night time, they were having their dinner. No conversation were made.

"so how are you gonna fix it?" the queen asked as she continued digging into her food.

"the 3 princesses will tell jihyo that I'm being forced and she'll continue loving me. I will have to break her heart along the way. Once she's weak the power will be yours" y/n said as she too dig into her food without making eye-contact.

the Queen stood up and leave.

"you better not mess this up noona. you may be older but ill always be mommy's favourite" daniel smirked and left as well.

y/n slammed her fists on the table causing the maids who were clearing up the plates to get startled.

it was 2 in the morning. y/n was still on the table with her face buried in her hands.

"your highness?"


"you should get some rest"

y/n sighed as she stood up and walked to her room.

y/n's personal guard came in.

"your highness" as he kneeled down.

"what is it?"

"They're here"

the palace gates open revealing the 3.

"how is she?"

"she's good" Sana said.

"they're at her palace for now" Momo said.

"what are you gonna do?" Mina said.

"i don't know.. what about you girls?"

"we're gonna report to your mom tomorrow morning. Show her that we're still on her side" Sana said.

"alright. You girls better head home" and the 3 girls bowed as they flew back to their palaces.

y/n flew back to her room.

she buried her face in her pillow as she screamed.

it was already shining bright when y/n woke up. she got ready.

as she walked through the halls, she saw MiSaMo with her mom. Y/N didn't
think of anything but to just keep walking.

y/n finally reached the borders, the walls of the light side.

the border gates were still close, just like the ones at the dark side.

"when will the world finally be at peace?" y/n thought to herself.

as she looked down, she heard the gates opening revealing jihyo.

y/n's eyes widened.


im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now