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Jihyo slowly woke up to find herself in Nayeon’s room. Jihyo sighed.

"what was that?" Jihyo rubbed her eyes.

she went to take a shower and went downstairs afterwards.

no one was home.

"is this another dream?" Jihyo mumbled to herself.

"what dream?" she turned to see nayeon.

"nothing. I just had a wild dream"

"i know" as nayeon walked past her and sat on the couch.

"what do you mean?" as jihyo sat beside nayeon.

"y/n told us you were crying in your sleep. You didn't speak nor was there any facial expressions.. just tears flowing" nayeon looked down.


"you know you can tell us if there's something bothering you.." nayeon hugged jihyo.

"for now.. I wanna talk to y/n..." nayeon gave jihyo a smile and nodded.

Nayeon went upstairs and not even a few minutes, jihyo heard



"yah! Come down!"


"Come down now!"

"i want to sleep!"



"Jihyo is here! Yah!"

In matter of seconds, y/n came rushing down.

"Jihyo? You okay?" y/n was panting.

"yeah... what about you? what happen-"

"yah! your so rude!"

"oopsie" y/n shrugged.

"this little y/n of yours has been nothing but annoying to me! Hah! I say one thing, don't want to listen. When I say jihyo, then you want to listen" as nayeon walked upstairs.

"sorry grandma"

"i am not a grandma!" Nayeon shouted back.

y/n chuckled.

"so... jihyo you okay?"


"you really were having a wild dream" as y/n caressed jihyo’s left cheek.

"y/n..." y/n hummed in response.

"are we from another world?"

y/n's eyes widened.

"what makes you say that?"

Jihyo sighed before telling y/n everything.

"ah~ I see.." as y/n looked down.

"what am i? what are we?" Jihyo looked into y/n's eyes.

"ji-" as y/n phone rang.

"ah okay. I'll be there" as y/n hanged up.

y/n held jihyo hand.

"its okay if you have to go" Jihyo smiled.

y/n gave jihyo a peck on the lips before leaving.

Jihyo sighed.

"hey~" Momo sat beside her.

"Momo? When did you get here?"

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now