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Daniel brought them to y/n's ex hideout.

The only thing remaining was the dance studio wall mirrors, her kitchen and her swimming pool.

"damn this place was hers.." nayeon said. Her place still spotless as ever.

"I knew she would isolate herself sometimes but I didn't think she was serious" Momo said.

"let's find any more clues if we can" Daniel said and the girls nodded.

Meanwhile with jihyo...

"so tell me honestly" Jihyo death glared at them.

They gulped.

"we really don't know" Sana said.

"cut the crap"

The girls have never seen jihyo this pissed before.

"unnie, we really don't know" Mina said.

"shut the fuck up with all the lies"

"we aren't lying jihyo-yah" jeongyeon said.

"yeah right. I overhead your conversation last night"

The girls eyes widened.

"how much of it did you hear?" tzuyu asked.

"I don't know. You tell me" Jihyo crossed her arms close to her chest.

"should we just-" chaeyoung said.

"no we need to protect-" Sana was cut off.

"protect me from y/n? Honestly.. what is there to protect from her?"

the girls sighed.

Back to daniel and NaMoDa

"guys, I think I found something" dahyun handed daniel a bloody paper.

'If you don't want Jihyo to get hurt, meet me at xxxx. Alone! I'm sure where you know where it is'

"xxxx? what's with the four x?" Daniel tried to think hard.

"xxxx? four x? ex?" nayeon mumbled.

Dahyun decided to say the 4 alphabets faster to see if it resembles a word.
"acid? sex? Eh?"

"I think it's a shop name" Momo suddenly said.

"what?" they all said in unison.

"I remember walking with y/n in a dark alley and I saw xxxx" Momo said with a blank face.

"really? Where?" Daniel grabbed momo's shoulders.

before momo could say anything, jihyo busted in.

"J-jihyo?" the four of them said in unison.

"sorry she runs really fast" sana tried catching her breath as the others followed behind her.

"care to explain to me honey?" Jihyo crossed her arms close to her chest.

"its just work" Daniel said bluntly.

"this doesn't seem like work" Jihyo raised one of her eyebrows.

"Daniel, she figured..it...out..." jeongyeon still trying to catch her breath.

"so tell me. is there something about y/n I should know?" Jihyo glare at daniel.

Daniel told jihyo everything. To everyone's surprise, jihyo didn't give off any expression whatsoever.

"then what are you waiting for?" her response shocked everyone.

"what?" Daniel raised his eyebrows.

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