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The girls all woke up to find themselves in their room.

They all came out of their room while rubbing their head.

"did y'all had the same.. " dahyun asked and they all nodded.

They all went downstairs to see y/n and the J-line in the kitchen, eating.

They all furrowed their eyebrows as they headed downstairs.

"ah.. you guys are finally awake!" Sana jumped and the J-line ran to them, hugging them.

"girls, let them eat" y/n said.

The 6 of them sat down with confusion on their faces.

"what's with the faces?" Sana chuckled.

"if you're thinking if Momo cooked, no she didn't. She almost burned the food" Mina said.

"yah!" Momo said.

Jihyo was breathing heavily.

"bae.. whats wrong?" as y/n rubbed jihyo's back.

Jihyo's eyes widened.

"y/n.. what did you just called jihyo?" jeongyeon asked.

"uhh.. bae?"

"why?" y/n chuckled.

"why would you call her that?" chaeyoung asked.

"because they have been together for 3 months now?" Sana raised an eyebrow.

"what?!" the 6 girls shouted.

"i think they had too much too drink.." Mina said.

"yeah.. no kidding.." Sana said.

"do they have amnesia?" Momo asked.

Sana hit Momo on her shoulder.

"yah! What was that for?" Momo said.

"if they had amnesia, they wouldn't know who we even are or where they are" Sana said.

"oh.. make sense.." Momo said.

"what do you mean?" nayeon asked.

"you girls were drunk.. like really drunk..." Mina said.

"you have been sleeping for 6 days now" y/n said.

"what?!" the 6 girls shouted once again.

"wait wait wait.. so jihyo and y/n have been together for 3 months... then what happen to Daniel?" dahyun asked.

"jihyo's ex?" Sana said.

The 6 girls all turned their heads to Sana with wide eyes.

"what?" Sana said.

"what did you just say?" Jihyo asked.

"what? your ex? Daniel?" Sana blinked, looking confused.

"you and him broke up like a year ago.. remember?" Mina said.

"we did?" Jihyo said.

The J-line nodded their heads.

"bae.. are you okay?" y/n held jihyo's hand.


"enjoy your food! we are gonna go grocery shopping" Sana smiled.

"well that's the first.." nayeon said.

"yeah.. but momo is just coming to buy snacks" Mina said and they all nodded.

"bye!" Sana said as they left.

y/n hugged jihyo.

"ji, I know there's something wrong. We'll talk when I get back" Jihyo nodded.

They all went outside with momo shouting, "YES food! Here I come!"

the 6 girls just chuckled and shook their heads.

"okay.. anyone find this weird?" nayeon asked.

"yeah.. like we all had the same dream.. woke up with a headache.." dahyun said.

"let's not forget what happened in the dream.." jeongyeon said.

"ji?" nayeon called out the girl who was staring into space.

"hmm?" Jihyo looked at nayeon

"i know this is weird but in the 'dream'... what happened between you, Daniel and y/n?" nayeon asked.

"i found out that I was in love with y/n after all.." Jihyo looked down.

"we knew it!" the girls shouted, jihyo flinched.


"we kinda knew but we didn't want to say anything" jeongyeon smiled.

"do you girls remember any of us even drinking?" chaeyoung asked and they all shooked their heads.

"maybe it was really just a dream..." nayeon said.

"but it can't be. isn't just weird how we all got knocked out, had the same dream, MiSaMo was with y/n and those people.. taking Daniel away.. and now they told us that we are drunk.." chaeyoung said.

"are you saying y/n and J-line are hiding something?" tzuyu said.

"from where I'm seeing, yes" chaeyoung said.

"maybe" nayeon shrugged.

"y/n and I were together for 3 months.." Jihyo mumbled.

"why ji?" jeongyeon rubbed her back.

"i-it doesn't feel like i was with her for 3 months.." Jihyo said.

"i mean we just got knocked out.. so-" nayeon said.

"no. As in.. it feels like I've been with her for more than a year.." Jihyo said.

"what?" jeongyeon said.

"there's something I'm feeling..something that I'm forgetting.." Jihyo looked down.

They all brought jihyo into a group hug.

They were interrupted by the door opening and Momo yelling, "I've got my jokbal bitches! So back off!"

They all just shooked their head.

Sana and Mina placed the groceries on the table and started keeping them.

"that was fast" nayeon said.

"we didn't buy much" Mina said.

They all just nodded their heads.

Y/N grabbed jihyo's hand and brought her upstairs to her room.

y/n and jihyo sat on y/n's bed.

"ji.. tell me whats wrong?"

"i.. i just feel like we've been together for more than a year.. and us getting drunk doesn't seem right.. none of us recalled drinking.. and we all even had the same dream.." y/n pulled jihyo into a hug.

"i even remember Jihoon.. and those people...they keep calling me princess.." Jihyo looked at y/n.

"ji.. I really don't know what happened to you guys in that dream.. but I think you should rest.."

"you don't think crazy right?"

y/n sighed with a smile on her face.

"you're never crazy jihyo" as y/n tugged a hair behind jihyo's ear.

"c'mon you should get some rest" as y/n brought jihyo into a hug and they laid on the bed, cuddling.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now