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Jihyo sat up on her bed and gasps as if she was underwater for too long..

"jihyo!" nayeon who was beside jihyo, held onto the girl's hand.

"calm down there hyomas.." jeongyeon said as she sat infront of the two.

"what happen?" Jihyo looked at both of them.

"you were having a nightmare.." as nayeon rubbed jihyo's back.

"what?" Jihyo furrowed her eyes.

"nightmare" jeongyeon said.

"no.." Jihyo looked down.

"ji?" nayeon said.

"no..." Jihyo dashed outside.

She knew it wasn't a dream. She saw it with her own two eyes.

She walked out and there stood Nayeon's house.

"what.." jihyo mumbled to herself.

"jihyo? you okay?" Jihyo turned to see sana.


"yes?" Sana titled her head cutely.

"Jihyo!" she turned her head to see 2yeon running.

"what's with you.." jeongyeon asked while trying to catch her breath.

"where's daniel?"

"daniel?" nayeon looked at jeongyeon.

"the bad boy at school?" jeongyeon said.

"yah~ I think someone's got a crush~" Sana hit jihyo’s shoulder playfully.

"didn't we break up?" Jihyo said.

the three looked at each other and back to jihyo.

Nayeon went to jihyo with a smile on her face and patted her back.

"jihyo...are you having dreams of that bad boy~" nayeon teased jihyo.

the three noticed her face..

"ji.. you're getting pale.." jeongyeon said.

sana placed her hand onto jihyo’s forehead.

"you're getting hot.." Sana said.

"i think we should bring her to the clinic.." Sana said and they nodded.

while jeongyeon and sana guided jihyo to the car, nayeon reminded the others to behave while they are gone.

Jeongyeon started the engine and started driving to the clinic.

Jihyo rested her eyes and laid her head onto sana's shoulder.

After a few minutes later, jihyo opened her eyes to see herself in a carriage.

Jihyo looked outside and find she's being escorted by mens with wings on horses..

"uhm.. excuse me? but where am I?"

one of the men looked at jihyo and smiled.

"are you acting cute, your highness?" the man chuckled.


"we are gonna to meet your boyfriend, your highness" the man smiled.


"yes, your highness. Prince Kim Seokjin?" the man said.

"your highness, I think you should get some rest" the other man said.

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