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"Jihyo, I missed you.."

y/n and jihyo hugged and jihyo was in tears.

"im sorry Jihyo... I'm sorry for leaving you..."

"you'll say you come back... and I've waited... I missed you" Jihyo gave y/n a kiss.

"Jihyo, I'm sorry"

Jihyo giggled with tears flowing down,
"why are you sorry for?"

"i can't be with you anymore..."

"no... you said you wouldn't leave me..."

"im sorry"

"y/n! don't leave me! y/n!"


Nayeon flinched at Jihyo suddenly sitting straight up on the bed.

Nayeon eyes widened as Jihyo turned her head to Nayeon like some horror movie.


Jihyo started breaking down. Nayeon went beside the girl.


"why did she have to leave me! why! why am I such a fool to not move on! why am such a-"

"Jihyo stop!" Nayeon held onto the girl's hands so that she would stop hitting herself.

"its not your fault"

"then whose fault is it?" Jihyo looked at nayeon and she was taken aback.

"forget it" as Jihyo got up and went into the shower. Nayeon just sat there and sighed.

Nayeon went downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was having breakfast.

Sana noticed jihyo walking down,
"jihyo-" Sana was cut off by Jihyo suddenly leaving.

"what happen?" Sana said.

"i think I triggered her..."

"what did you do?" mina said.

"i didn't do anything...she had a dream about y/n and she started blaming herself and I just told her that nothing was her fault-" nayeon was cut off by the screams that was heard outside the Palace door.

They rushed out to see Jihyo screaming her heart out while breaking down and collapsing to the ground.

"Jihyo..." chaeyoung went beside her unnie.

"let go of me chae!"

"Jihyo.. She's only trying-" Mina was cut off.

"why? why am I such a fool... why am I such an idiot... why... why me... as the leader...WHY ME?!" Jihyo said as she started hitting her chest.

"Jihyo... please stop..." nayeon said holding onto the girl.

"Jihyo.. Please it isn't your fault..." nayeon said.

"then whose fault... whose fault was it... was it because I was dumb enough to join forces with the queen? was it because I was too blind to notice who I was at the beginning?"

"you couldn't have done anything back then jihyo-yah..."

"why can't I move on... why... why am I such a mess..." Jihyo said as she finally laid her head on Nayeon's shoulder(Nayeon still hugging her)

"you're not a mess jihyo-yah. that's what we all do. we feel useless at times, we feel worthless at times, we feel that we can't breath at times, but please jihyo... trust me when I say that y/n has been with you..."

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now