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y/n was still unconscious.

"i-im so sorry y/n.." Jihyo was still crying.

Daniel looked over and one by one, the girls slowly started waking up.

"J-jihyo" nayeon said.

"what's going on?" mina asked.

"i-i don't know..." Jihyo said as she kept looking down.

"hold up.. Where's momo?" jeongyeon asked.

the girls started to panic. Daniel managed to calm them down. He looked for a way to escape but nothing.

Daniel rested his head at the wall.

The stranger then came in.

"good. everyone's awake except for y/n.." the stranger sighed

"aish.. "the stranger patted his head slowly but very hard.

"where's momo!" dahyun shouted.

"woah calm down there little tofu"

"don't call me that!" dahyun glared at him.

"you're momo is fine" the stranger smirked.

"you monster!" Nayeon got up and tried to punch him but she was hold back by the chains holding her down.

"once y/n is awake, you'll see.. you all will be dead" sana said.

"i doubt that" the stranger chuckled.

"please tell us what's going on.. please" Jihyo looked up to the stranger with her red eyes.

"princess.. you'll know soon" y/n patted her back.

"why do you keep calling me that?"

"like I said.. you will know..soon" as the stranger patted jihyo's back, Jihoon came in.

"you bastard!" daniel watched as the girls shouted and was trying to fight back.

"how's jihyo?"

"confused, crying.. the same little jihyo that we used to know.." the stranger patted Jihoon back before leaving.

"why are you doing this?" the girl's eyes were full of fire.

Jihoon ignored them and went towards y/n.

"please wake up y/n... jihyo is coming back to us.. please wake up.." Jihoon looked down, tears falling down.

"what are you talking about?" nayeon asked.

"your goodbyes will be coming soon"

"what! Hey!" Jihoon ignored the girls and was about to leave when he stopped at the door.

"i hope you're happy daniel.." he left the room.

The girls looked at Daniel in confusion.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now