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it's been 5 months since the queen made everything into darkness.

the queen was now in her royal throne, enjoying her expensive fine wine.

"this is the life" she said as she drank her wine.

Jihyo was beside the queen at all times.

A familiar figure came into the the queen's view.


"hi eomma" daniel smiled.

"you're alive?"

"just as you planned eomma. I trust you eomma" the queen smiled and went to Daniel, giving him a hug.


"she's dead. I killed her in the end as you planned eomma" daniel reassured his mother and she nodded, "good. Let's enjoy some tasty food"


as they went to the dining area, Daniel was freaking out by how jihyo would follow them and just stand there.


"hmm?" as the queen looked up.


"ahh you don't have to worry about her. She's fine. She looks hot doesn't she?"

"y-yes very much eomma but why is she just standing there?"

"she's our pet now. She follows me everywhere, that way I came keep an eye on her. Not letting her out of my sight"

"no matter what?"

"no matter what. You can even date her if you want to or even marry her. She follows my orders"

"how strong was that spell?" daniel choked on his food.

"yah! Daniel chew slowly. Aiyoo my poor baby" as his mother gave him more water.

"it was from our darkest ancestor. I found it in one of the deepest cliffs" the queen smiled.

"but it said not to let it near something. I can't remember..."

"why eomma? why does it bother you?" daniel asked in concern as he at his food.

"if her friends does survive, who knows what they could have done to save y/n.."

"what do you mean eomma?"

"you know your sister. She'll do anything to protect jihyo"

"but she's dead eomma"

the queen sighed, "you're right"

"let's eat" the queen smiled and the two at their dinner.

as they finished up their food, "daniel sweety"


"please don't mind jihyo. She's our pet now okay?"

"okay eomma"

"good now, head to your room"

"why so early eomma?"

"i want to show you something cool tomorrow and I need your eyes to be wide awake to admire the view" the queen smiled.

"Jihyo will bring you to your room" the queen added before heading to her room.

Daniel gulped.

"what are you planning eomma?" daniel thought.

"did she somehow know that y/n is still alive... or is eomma just thinking that I'm in love with jihyo or something" daniel thoughts were cut off by jihyo slowing rubbing Daniel's back.

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