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{3 years later}

The world is finally at peace but its different.

Everywhere, you would see people's smiles. Busy day for everyone as always. Work, school, dating, all the typical stuff.

But one thing that lingers is the magic within. The cold hard truth of what's out there. The magic is gone. The magic world is gone, vanished, non-existing.

Everything created is now in the past and all burned away into ashes. No creatures existed no more. Only left Earth, the world with human beings.

He was looking out at his balcony, looking around the city. The sound of vehicles honking, people's chat, the noise of the city as he watched from his apartment's balcony somewhere in the forest.

He was now alone. No one to talk to. No one to lean on. No one to hold on to. Everyone was gone.

Daniel took revenge and fought his own mother. With all his might, he destroyed his own mother and retrieved all the power she took. Without a second thought, Daniel took full force.

The roam then turned pitched black and daniel fainted. As he woke up, everyone and everything was slowly fading away.

As he turned, he saw God.
He bowed towards God.
He made a promise to God, that he will protect all the innocents and good souls in the world but in one condition, he keeps his identity a secret.

The world doesn't need to suffer anymore and with that everything slowly vanished away.

Daniel constantly cried as he watched and said goodbye to everyone.
Y/N... the shadows... the evil side of y/n...

Mother never did care.. she never did.

And in a blink of a eye, Daniel was in the human world.

Daniel sighed.

"im sorry Jihyo, y/n, everyone. This is for the best... I'm sorry it didn't have a happy ending but this is for the best option for the world. No one has to suffer, no one" daniel said as the cool breeze flow through his face.

but the only person suffering now is Daniel.. scarificing everything for the world. Just for the world to be happy.

"i hope you all are doing well up there" as he looked up to the sky with a smile and a tear fell from his eye.

{Few months later}

Daniel was on his balcony.. in deep thought again and always... him always thanking for being alive and for the happiness and joy the popem have in them.

Daniel disguised himself as different roles to help keep everyone happy, especially the depressed ones. Making everyone smile was his mission every single day.

He smiled at the thought of the smiles he received everyday but its different. His sister, best friends are all gone.
He sighed.

"what's with the long sigh?" daniel eyes widened, with shocked, he turned around to see a smiling y/n.

"noona... its that you?! no.. it can't be"

"why don't you come here and give your noona a hug?"

with tears flowing down, he ran and they hugged.

"you're real and alive"

"im sorry that you had to suffer for a long time"

as Daniel looked at y/n, he noticed a couple of familiar faces.

Jihoon and the girls and soon everyone went into a group hug. Daniel was constantly crying and y/n was giving him a hug.

"i missed all of you... but how?"

"god" chaeyoung said.


"this a reward from him. For keeping your promise and being humble as always" y/n smiled.

"t-then what about the humans of you.. and-"

"they've been replaced by us" chaeyoung smiled.

"so now, you guys own a company?"

"run by the loving couple Kang Y/N and Park Jihyo" Nayeon smiled, showing her bunny teeth.

Daniel smiled, "im glad"

"we'll visit you everyday and help out too" dahyun said.


"your job still continues.. to make everyone happy but at the same time, it'll be easier. With our help. We still have our powers" y/n winked.

"i love you noona" and they hugged again.

"aww" they all said in unison.

"hey, what about me?" daniel turned to see his best friend, Jihoon, and they too hugged.

"Y/N and Jihyo are getting married tomorrow" nayeon said.

"what?! I only knew now?"

"better than nothing right?" dahyun smiled.

Daniel scratched his nape and smiled.

"make yourself at home" daniel said and everyone went to the living room while y/n stayed with Daniel.

"im sorry"

"what are you sorry for noona? I should be sorry"

"im sorry that I can't be the bigger sister and do what I'm supposed to do. Because of me, your fiancé-"

"its fine noona. I'll found someone else or maybe never but I know I have you all as my family. My own. My life." daniel patted y/n's shoulder and y/n brought him into a hug.

"and thats the end" Yeji said.

"huh? that's all?" Ryujin said

"i wanna know what happened!" Yuna whined.

"aish. They're already getting married. What's there to know?" Yeji laughed.

"everyone is happy and it has a good ending. I'm happy" Lia smiled.

"by the way, are they real?" Yuna said.

"sort of..." Yeji smiled as she traces off to look at Park Jihyo from TWICE.

"your secret is safe with me Jihyo unnie"


Thank you for reading my book. I hope that you guys will continue to support my other books too. Thank you so much for all the reads and support 😍

Tbh, it makes me feel happy to know that there's people out there who likes my book. Thank you ❤️

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