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"hey you~"

"y/n?" as y/n wrapped her arms around jihyo's waist.

"miss me your highness?"

"very" as jihyo leaned in and kiss y/n on the lips.

"what are you doing out here all alone?"

"I've been clearing my head"

"about what Ji?"

"about me ruling. I don't know if I'll be able to protect everyone-"

y/n placed her index finger onto jihyo’s lips.

"everything will be okay"

"how do you know?"

"because I'm here with you" as y/n gave jihyo a smile.

"thank you y/n"

"anytime your highness"

"your highness!" one of y/n's guards came.

"yes?" as y/n pulled away from jihyo but their hands still interwined.

"they're here"

Jihyo noticed y/n's eyes had widened and before she knew it, she was running.

"where are we going?"

"somewhere jihyo-ssi"

y/n brought jihyo into a dark alley.

"stay here and don't move" as y/n ran away, leaving jihyo behind.

Minutes passed and jihyo is getting worried.



"we need to go"


"somewhere where you'll be safe" as jihyo's dad grabbed her by the hnad and they took off leaving y/n behind.

Jihyo immediately sat back up and was catching her breath.

"Ji?" as y/n came in.


Jihyo told y/n everything.

"i think its time you knew"

as y/n brought jihyo downstairs and they joined the others on the couch.

"y/n?" Sana said.

"its time she knew" y/n said.

"did she?" Momo said.

y/n nodded.

"its about time we knew" nayeon said.

"after every weird thing that's been going on, yeah.. we need to know" jeongyeon said.

y/n took in a deep breath.

"the four of us are from a different world. Me, Jihyo, Momo, Sana and Mina. A world that protects both the magical and human world. The creatures who live there all have wings of their own. The four of us are all princesses, soon to be queens to rule our kingdoms but jihyo is special. She is the daughter of the most powerful magical creature, the guardian of the tree of life and death. This tree contains all the magic of every single kingdom, even from the dark side. Anyone who possess the power of the tree will be unstoppable so that's what the guardians are for.

Jihyo is different from us because she's part human and part magical. Not long after jihoon's mom died, a tragedy happened. His sister passed on next. The king went to find some answers from the tree but all the tree gave was that it will transfer its powers to a human. In order to protect the two worlds, the king went to the human world.

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