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Daniel has always been beside Jihyo even in the human world. Daniel was always beside Jihyo when her friends couldn't.

Jihyo couldn't bring herself to kill Daniel..

Daniel knew it from the start but he wanted jihyo to find it out by herself.

Jihyo was speechless. She knew she couldn't kill her girlfriend's brother. She can't. Even so, Daniel was nothing but nice to her all this while even when they were dating.

Jihyo wanted y/n and jihoon to leave but..

"Jihyo, kill me" daniel said which made Jihyo looked at him with wide eyes.

"Kill me. You deserve to be happy. I want my friends and noona to be happy. I know that noona will be happy if she had you and I know you feel the same way. Please jihyo. I know you think that this isn't right but please.. do it for me.. do it for y/n.. Please"

Jihyo wanted to but she can't.. She kept telling herself that she can't...

"im sorry... I can't.." and she walked out of the room.

It was the last day and Y/N planned to go out with Jihyo once last time.

It was night time and Jihyo looked so beautiful.

Y/N jaw dropped. Jihyo blushed.

"you're so handsome"

"thank you"

and the two headed out.

{Time skips}

Jihyo told y/n about killing Daniel and y/n didn't say anything but to just listen to her.

"and what do you think you should do?"

Y/N's answer got jihyo taken aback. Jihyo didn't know what to say because she too didn't know what she should do.

"i want you y/n... i need you.. i want to stay with you forever.. but I can't kill Daniel.. I can't-"


"but I feel like I need to"


"i need you to stay with me. its not fair"

"what's not?"

"the fact that I have to lose you again"

y/n sighed and jihyo just looked down with tears flowing down.

y/n brought jihyo into a hug.

"it just not fair. you worked so hard, you sacrificed your life just to keep me safe just to get me back and when you left, I felt so empty like my whole world just died"

y/n sighed while hugging her, "I want to stay too but I can't jihyo.. its not right.. daniel-"

"Daniel told me to kill him. Daniel wants you to be happy, Daniel wants you to-"

"Jihyo, no. No matter what, I know you'll get through the pain"

"but how.. when you're not here to get me through it all?"

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now