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{Nayeon POV}

It has been 2... no-  3 weeks. Jihyo hasn't been getting better and what's worse is that she doesn't really talk much like she used to..

Sure during that one month, she was broken but at least she spoke.. now she won't even leave her room.. and no one can enter it... other than kitty...

Kitty would constantly move in and out from her room and sometimes kitty would do something like take a tissue for jihyo or a bag of chips to her room... which was weird but seems sweet.

One thing that made us curious by how kitty was so close to us even on the first day that we met her...

Normally, cats would run away or stay for awhile but kitty stayed for the longest time and even play with us... it was like automatic family member..

There will be times when we each have our breakdowns and kitty will always be there for every single one of us but mostly with jihyo.

Kitty would be extremely happy when jihoon and daniel visits. It's so cute how she runs towards them.

Kitty was now with us, playing. Jihyo's door was opened slightly just like always for kitty to enter or leave.

As momo threw the ball for kitty to catch, she suddenly said "I miss jihyo"

We all sighed.

"i do too but she won't let anyone in.."

There was brief moment of silent until momo tried calling kitty but kitty went back upstairs to jihyo's room.

we then noticed kitty taking something. she passed it to me and it was jihyo's skirt?

This was the skirt that y/n gave to Jihyo as a present.

"kitty, wha-"

"kitty!" we heard jihyo's voice and kitty immediately sat on jihyo's skirt that was on my lap.

"i... I didn't take it..."

Jihyo sighed, "kitty... can I have it back?"

"... can mommy have it back?"


"apparently when I say 'i' she dosnet listen..." Jihyo sighed.

we all knew what kitty was doing... trying to let jihyo out so we can talk to her at least but what thing that got to us was how kitty know what to get jihyo out...

Jeongyeon didn't hesitate,"Jihyo we need to talk"

"about what? There's nothing to talk about"

"Jihyo please..."

"im serious there's-"

"there is something jihyo!" Mina shouted, causing us to flinch.

"we know you're not fine! Let us help you! Kitty is already trying to help! Please don't shut us out anymore jihyo! We... We miss you! I miss you!" Mina said as tears fell down her cheeks.

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