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"No!" y/n screamed.

"i-im sorry noona.." daniel said as he held onto the blade that had pierced through him by mother.

"noona.. I'm sorry.. I just wanted to help... I'm sorry that you hate me..." as Daniel took his last breath.

"no!" as y/n pulled her brother into a hug.

"d-daniel.." the queen mumbled.

"see what you did mother?! your selfishness cause your own son's death! my brother's death!" y/n shouted at the queen.

"aren't you happy? you hated your brother didn't you?"

"hate? I loved him! He may be annoying but he's still my brother! You killed your own son, your own flesh and bone!" y/n clenched her fist as she stood up.

"what are you gonna do? Kill me?" the queen scoffed.

"i shall" as y/n went right at the queen.

as they fought, the girls didn't know what to do.

"you're pathetic. Your love for the princess made you like this" the queen growled.

"no mother. You did" as y/n striked the queen. The queen fell to the ground.

y/n walked off but the queen striked y/n with her sword.

"y/n!" Jihyo shouted and ran towards y/n.

"Jihyo go..."

"what- I'm not leaving-"

"just go.." as y/n pushed jihyo away.

Jihyo obeyed and the girls all flew away.

As jihyo took a glance back, the last thing she saw was y/n being pushed to the ground.

{next day}

The girls couldn't sleep. They stayed up all night, worrying about y/n.

"ill go check up on her" Sana offered.

the girls nodded.

"ill come with" Mina said and they two took off.

Jihyo started coming up with 'what if' questions and nayeon and jeongyeon tried to calm the girl down.

Momo tried to calm the maknae line with some food, hoping to calm them down.

After a few hours, Jihyo got really like 28439839393% worried for MiSa.

"we should go check up on them"

"jihyo.. I'm sure they'll be fine.." tzuyu said.

"no we-" as they saw Mina and sana heading in like flash.

"what happen! How is she!" Jihyo rushed to the two.

"ji...its gonna be hard for all of us but..." Sana stopped to catch her breath.

"she's dead!" Mina screamed as she dropped to the floor.

the other screamed, "what?!"

Jihyo felt her soul just left her body. After finding who she is, where she truly belongs, found a one true love and this happens...

She was stunned. She couldn't move or speak but to just drop as well.


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