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"you broke up with her?"


"well~ finally you came to your senses"

y/n just gave a nod.

"what are you gonna do next?"

"im sure she's weak enough so-"

"no. I need her to be extra weak in order for the power to be mine. Can you that for me?"

"what do you want me to do?"

"kill her"

y/n eyes widened as she looked at her mom.

"i can't believe she's so weak and the only thing to trigger her is you leaving her. How pathetic. Kill her"

y/n gulped.

"look~ I know you still love her even the slightest but if I kill you, she'll just get stronger in the end. Show her how much you hate her. Then kill her. Ill leave the plan to you"

"yes mother"

"and one more thing, do you still remember what I told you?"

"yes mother"

"so you haven't been communicating with them?"

"i made them to think that I'm on their side but now, I just stabbed them in the back"

"Well done. That's my little monster"

"what are you gonna do with their parents?"

"nothing, just let them be"

y/n bowed and left.

as the dark sides border gates closed behind her, someone grabbed her by the hand.


"we need to talk"

"no" y/n came back to reality and she said it with no expression.

"this isn't you. this isn't what we plan. We're you're friends no matter what. Please tell us-"

"you're no longer my friends"


"ive made up my mind. I don't need you girls"

"no. I don't believe you. Your just saying this because-"

"just trust me"


"trust me"

"how do-"

"trust me no matter what happens" as y/n left and MiSaMo went in.

Y/N was walking through the park. The park brought back so many memories. The memories when Jihyo and her were still dating, before Jihyo was sent to the human world.

"yah!" Jihyo shouted as she jumped trying to take back her teddy bear that y/n made.


"give me back my-" Jihyo was cut off by y/n giving her a peck on the lips.

"yours? But I made it" y/n smirked and causing jihyo's cheeks to go red.

"your blushing"

"im not! Yah, give me back"


"please" Jihyo whined.


"pwease baby pwease. I love you"

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