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you make me feel special.

you're my angel, my flower, my sunshine.

you're the most beautiful flower I have ever seen.

everyday with you brings me thrills.

your cute gummy smile always brightens up the dark sky.

you're my everything.

he took you away from me.

we will be together once again my love.

i will not lose sight of you.

even if you forget me.

my life is meaningless without you.

he will pay for what he has done.

even if I have to climb through mountains,

through fire,

through any obstacles,

i bet on my life to bring you back

to where you belong.

you've been hurting so much.

im sorry for being the cost of it.

you will soon understand why my love.

did I ever mention how beautiful you were?

I always wonder why your beauty is endless?

for now, I need you to promise me,

promise me that you will wait for me.

just wait for me.

I'm coming.

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now