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Jihoon showed jihyo the deep wound underneath y/n's shirt.

Jihyo gasp.

Jihoon sighed.

"y/n... please don't leave me.. not now.." Jihyo hugged y/n even tighter than before.

"who said I'm leaving?"

"y/n.. y/n!" Jihyo and the girls started sobbing.

"she's awake!" Jihoon was filled with happiness and he called the others.

"i thought-"

"im okay. I wouldn't leave you.. I can't.." y/n gave jihyo a warm smile.

"i love you till the sun dies jihyo"

"y/n..." the stranger was happy to see y/n.

"miss me?" y/n smirked.


y/n hissed at the pain.

"y/n.. your awake. see I knew that jihyo's touch would work and y'all thought I was the dumb one.." Momo crossed her arms.

"i mean.." the stranger shrugged.

"y/n.. your wound.." Momo said.

"its okay. Jihyo.." Jihyo looked at y/n.

"i need your blood" y/n whispered.

"what?" jihyo's eyes widened, shocked by the request.

"here we go.." Momo covered the two.

"i need your blood.. to heal the wound"


"trust me" y/n smirked.

"y/n.. the girls are here and my ex is here.."

y/n sighed and immediately sucked on Jihyo’s neck. Jihyo let out a moan.

The girls looked at each other in shock.

"are they really doing this?" nayeon said.

"momo's even watching" jeongyeon said.

"omg..." Mina said.

Daniel was just overall disgusted.

"ahh!" Jihyo shouted.

as y/n pulled away, jihyo realised y/n's wound healing up. jihyo held her neck. No blood, no holes. Jihyo's breath got unsteady. She was confuse. Was y/n a vampire? Is she and her not human?

"so that's what you needed" Momo was relieved.

Momo went outside.

"y/n! you're better!"

"all thanks to you love"

"i love you" y/n smiled at jihyo.

the strangers came in with momo. They released y/n.

"thanks" y/n smiled at the stranger.

"no problem" the stranger patted y/n's back.

"you're back. what do we do now?"

y/n looked at Daniel.

"yah! Let us go! We have nothing to do with this!" tzuyu said.

"they're right you know. It's not the right time" Momo said.

y/n sighed.

"you know what to do" y/n said and the stranger nodded.

"they're on their way"

im sorry(p.j x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now