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Arthit woke up quite early in the morning today. Ofcourse he was not a morning person, but today was different. His boss was going to hand over boss's  position to his son , and hence as Arthit worked in his production department, extremely talented , he was supposed to reach early today. He strolled around his room , put on his coat and tried to tie his tie very perfectly, however he was certain he wasn't very good at it.

As soon as he locked his apartment's door , he turned around and saw his neighbor , Kong. He was also wearing a coat, fitting his body , and his tie neatly done. He looked extremely alluring and charming , it seems like even he was leaving for his work.

Both Kong and Arthit took the lift. While they were in lift , Kongpob gazed at Arthit . He was indeed the definition of cuteness. His tie was not done properly, and his hair looked like being forced to stay in a particular style , though messy. Kong pressed his lips to suppress a smile.

A: I'm Arthit. I'm sorry for yes-

K: So Arthit.  Are you single ?

A: The hell? Aren't you being too informal?

K: I don't mind. So tell me , are you single ?

A : None of your business.

They reached the ground floor and Arthit started walking quickly. Kongpob followed him , trying to match his steps.

A: What's your problem !?

K: I'm lovesick .

A: It has nothing to do with me.

K : It does .

A : What ?

K : you're the solution.

Before Arthit could process what Kong actually meant , taxi arrived and Arthit left. Kong was a very calm and gentle man , but he found it very weird , that he becomes desperate to talk to Arthit, he gets desperate to gain his attention. He doesn't know why was he so interested in knowing about  Arthit .

Arthit reached the office. He went straight to his boss's cabin , to give him a proper farewell and welcome his new boss. Arthit was very close to his boss , because Arthit was very talented and did his work with full dedication and perfection. His boss never needed a secretary, because Arthit would handle it all , very well. Arthit greeted his boss with a bouque .

A: Good morning sir !

B : Hey Arthit ! Morning. I was waiting for you. You're quite early today.

A: I couldn't be late today sir. I don't know what's my new boss like , maybe he wouldn't like me to come late ? On his very first day ? And I wanted to say adieu to you too.

B: Ah yes. Now that you've come , I need a last favour from you.

A: Sure sir , anytime.

B: Please make sure my son learns about the work and adjusts in this environment. It's been just two days since he moved in to this city. You have worked with me for more than a year , and you know stuff very well.

A: Yeah sir , I'll help your son in every way possible.

K : In every way possible , Arthit ?

Arthit turned around on hearing a familiar voice. And there he stood , Kong , smirking. Arthit could not believe his eyes. He couldn't connect to what was going on . Before he could make out anything, his boss said ...

B: Oh Kong ! You're here. (turns to Arthit) Arthit, he is Kong , my son.

K: Ofcourse I know him dad. He's my neighbor.

Arthit could not believe whatever was happening around him. Kong was his new boss!? The neighbor , who he wanted to avoid the most ! And now , Arthit is gonna accompany him to work ? Not that Arthit hates him , he just gets confused around Kong. Kong somehow affects him , which he cannot understand why.

K: But dad , Are you sure he'd be able to guide me ? I asked him a question today.  And he just ignored and went away.

B: Huh? What are you saying Kong? Arthit is the most talented and trustworthy person. I'm sure he will guide you better than anyone else. But what question , Kong ?

K: I asked him if he is si-

A: S-sir ! I'm sorry to avoid you this morning.  I didn't know you were my new boss. As for your question , y-yes. I don't have any other apartment.

Arthit expected Kong to get the hint , he didn't want to discuss about his relationship status Infront of his boss, Kong's father.

B: Oh hahaha ! I see. Now that you know each other so well , I'm sure you'll get along well .

K : Sure dad (moves a step closer to Arthit ) . We will get along very well.

That's it . Arthit is so doomed. The person he wanted to avoid the most , is going to be with him all the time during the office hours , as his boss , and will be living in front of his apartment's door , as his neighbor. Damn.

Hey guys ! Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate how you people encourage the new writers. I'm really thankful to all of you.😊😊


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