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Arthit returned to his desk , frustrated, mumbling to himself.

"What the hell is happening! Ok so my neighbor is my boss, and my boss is Kong , and Kong is the most annoying human being on this earth, and the conclusion is I have to tolerate this most annoying creature! But he's handsome, and really....... wait,what are you thinking Arthit ! Get yourself together! I don't care about his looks , I hate his guts. He always keeps getting on my nerve. But why am I thinking this, it's just work right ? Yes yes , work, nothing else."

As always, Arthit started blabbering.
Earth , who was Arthit's colleague , asked Arthit," What happened to you ? Are you alright? "

A: Our boss.....he's -

E: What about him ? He is really polite and good looking. I heard he's really dedicated towards his work too.

Arthit didn't find it correct to reveal to his colleague whatever is going on in his life. These kind of stuff spread like fire in the office. He didn't want that.

A: yeah maybe. He's good.

E: Then what are you blabbering about ?

A: (faking a laugh ) Ahahaha ..... Some personal problem came up.

Arthit was about to start with his work , when a lady strode elegantly towards him.

"You're being called by boss "

Arthit was too irritated to deal with stuff right now. However , he had to keep this in mind , that Kong is his boss now , and he cannot randomly snap at him.

He gently knocked the door and heard the voice ,"Come in "

K : So Arthit, do you like the surprise?

A: Kon- I mean sir , did you know that I work here from the start.

K : ofcourse Arthit , do you expect me to be that careless? That I won't check who works in my office ? I had known this from the start.

A : Urgh, Are you serious! Why the hell--(Arthit realised he was being way too ride to his boss)  I mean .... S-sir , You could have informed me when I met you yesterday?

K: Call me Kong.

A: Pardon ?

K: Call me Kong Arthit. I don't want you to call me 'sir'.

A: Why !? Everyone calls you 'sir' here ? Why should I not ?

K: You're different.

A : I don't get you

K : Woah Arthit ! You really wish to GET yourself a ME ?

A: What are you saying !?

K: Nevermind. You will be accompanying me to the meeting today.

A: Why me ? There are so many people in this office? Why not ask them.

Kong made a swift move to the chair on which Arthit was seated.

Arthit got really confused, what's he upto ? Kong put his hands on the arms of the chair Arthit was sitting , and moved his face close to Arthit's face , just inches apart, staring him . Arthit couldn't do anything but move his face backwards. He stared back at him confusingly. Kong didn't stop. His intense gaze was staring Arthit, recording and observing every feature on his face. He was moving really close every second, and Arthit's reflex allowed  his face to look away. However , Kong didn't stop, he kept moving closer and closer to him , until his lips almost touched his cheeks. And then , he whispered in Arthit's ear,

" Because  I want only you.."

Arthit's mind went numb. He quickly pushed Kong away and moved out. Kong smiled to himself , feeling his victory.  On the other hand , Arthit was struggling with the butterflies in his stomach. He was confused how his body reacted to Kong's touch , but he got himself together and prepared for the meeting.
Earth joined him.

E: Hey Arthit why aren't you focusing today?

A: I guess I'm too distracted at the moment.

Ofcourse , Arthit's mind was flooded with Kongpob and his charm , his stare , his touch.

When everybody gathered for the meeting , Arthit was looking for a place to get seated. Kong called Arthit and said ,

K: You should sit beside me, Arthit. I lack experience. You have worked with my father , and hence you have knowledge. Sit here. (tapping the empty place beside him)

E: Yes Arthit , sir is right. You should sit there.

Arthit hesitantly sat beside Kong . The meeting started. Everybody was fully focused , and discussing about their records , from each department.

Suddenly, Arthit felt a soft touch  on his thigh under the table which sent him shivers through his body.

Ah the environment is getting heated up ! Can't wait to write the next part ...... Thank you again for your response guys , means a lot ♥️🙂


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