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Kong's phone buzzed. There was a message from cupcake.

" Thank you for taking care of me last night."

Kong's lips formed a beautiful curve.

K : " Spank you? Would love to."

Arthit's eyes widened seeing the message.
A : "I typed THANK YOU. Are you blind? Or you can't read?"

Kong smirked and typed something. Arthit recieved two messages from bossypants.

K : "I'm blinded by love"

K : "and I'm trying to read you."

Arthit didn't bother to reply. This is going to continue if he did.

When the office hours got over, Kong announced," Congratulations everybody! We completed this on time!"

Everybody cheered.

Kong continued,"So I'll be going to Pattaya city tomorrow. Yong, Arthit and Earth will be accompanying me."

Kong really didn't want Earth to come with them, but he had contributed a lot. It was important for Earth to accompany them. The preparations began.

Arthit was busy in packing his stuff, when he got a call. He brightened up on seeing the name displayed on his screen. It was Ohm.

A: "Hey Ohm what's up!! How are you doing?"

O: "I'm angry with you Arthit."

A: "Huh why?"

O: "I didn't know you'd forget me after getting into a relationship."

Arthit furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Did ohm know about Kong ?

A:"What relationship?"

O : "Come on Arthit! Stop hiding. I know you must have asked Jaidee out already.

Arthit realised what Ohm was talking about. Well Ohm doesn't know about what happened later, so it's pretty obvious for him to assume things.

A: "Oh Ohm I didn't get a chance. She moved out when I got back. I couldn't even gift her that bracelet. "

O: "What!? That's sad. Bad luck bro!"

A: "Bad luck indeed."

Arthit talked to Ohm for a while. After Ohm ended the call, he got back to his packing . Arthit laid himself on the bed, tired after one hour of hard work. He was excited for the trip. He had been on business trips earlier, but this time it was different. He had to be formal and well behaved with Kong's father. But Kong? He knew him so well. How clumsy Arthit was. He need not be formal with Kong.

Just then, his phone buzzed. A message from bossypants.

K: "Hey! what are you doingggg?"

Arthit was so annoyed by him. Can't he just leave him alone, in peace, just for a while!? His life is so full of 'Kong' these days. Arthit opened his message and replied

A: "Painting my ass"

Kong laughed out loud on Arthit's reply.

K : "Oh do you need any help? It must be getting difficult to do it alone."

Arthit let out an annoyed sigh.
I wonder from where does he get these lines.

A: "What do you want Kong?"

K: "Come over."

A: "No. Bye."

K: "Come over Arthit. I need you. Really."

Arthit thought for a while. Should he go? Maybe he really needs help with something? Or is he just trying to mess with him again? His phone buzzed again. 

K : "If you don't come right now, I'll take a step towards you."

Arthit immediately got up and started heading towards Kong's flat. He remembers what Kong did when he ignored this text last time. He didn't want that again.

Arthit knocked on Kong's door. Within a few seconds, Kong opened the door, giving Arthit his best smile. Arthit gave him an exasperated look.

A : "Stop smiling, it's creepy."

Kong smiled even more, displaying his white shiny teeth. Arthit rolled his eyes.

A: "If you don't stop, I'll leave."

Kong's smile immediately disappeared.

Arthit entered Kong's apartment, and stood in shock.

Everything was perfectly arranged.  Well painted walls, clean floor, everything was on place. He moved to Kong's room, which was again arranged neatly. His white, wrinkless bedsheet, and his red clean carpet. He didn't expect this from a person like Kong. Arthit snapped out of his thoughts on hearing Kong.

K : "What are you thinking Arthit?"

A : "Ah nothing. Tell me why you called me here."

K : "Oh I want you to help me pack my stuff. I've never been to any business trips. So I don't know about it." Kong shrugged.

Hey guys sorry for late update and a short chapter. 😢😢 
Arthit in Kong's house now.  What mess are they going to create ??


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