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Kong was worried now. He wasn't able to figure out anything. He did message Arthit. But why would Arthit get so angry over it? Something seemed wrong.

He called Arthit's closest friend, Bright to get the information.

K: "Hey Bright I'm Kong.... Are you free right now? I need your help.

B: "Sure what is it? Come at my place!"

Kong went to the fifth floor and knocked Bright's door. Bright opened the door with a warm smile.

B: "So tell me Kong, what happened? Why do you need my help."

Kong told him everything that happened. Bright furrowed his eyebrows.

B: "So you're the person who messaged him?"

Kong sighed. He admitted it,"Yes. I messaged him. But it was just a prank! Just light flirting--"


Kongpob was shocked on hearing Bright's words. Blackmailed? In no fricking way! Why would he blackmail him?

"Hey hey what are you talking about?! I didn't do anything like that! I didn't even talk to him for more than a week.....I lost my phone later." Kongpob tried to clarify.

Bright's expression softened a little.

"Okay so...Arthit got random messages from the number. It was light flirting at first. But then he started getting weird messages. The sender had full information about him, his family. Arthit was really worried at that time, he told me about all this. He blocked his number permanently. So those messages, you didn't send them? You ....lost your phone?"

Kong was furious to know this. Someone had been using his phone to message Arthit, threaten him. He clenched his fist.

"Damn it. I didn't know anything about this at all! I'm so sorry.....this is all my fault. I-I can't express how I fe-"

Bright placed a hand on Kong's shoulder to comfort him.
"That's okay.....it's not your fault. Now go and clear this up with Arthit."

Kong nodded.


Arthit was still thinking about Kongpob. When he first met him, when he took care of him all night, when he confessed to him. His mind was replaying all the memories. He couldn't believe it was Kongpob. He wouldn't have been disappointed this much if it was anybody else. He had secretly started liking Kongpob, there was no doubt in this fact. He fell for his flirtatious lines, for his brooding eyes, for his true heart.

He snapped out of his reveries when his phone buzzed. A message from Jaidee.

"Hey Arthit! I wanna confess something to you. I'm not courageous enough....hence I'm saying it here. I-I really like you. I don't know what you feel about me. But give me a chance. Umm....can we meet up?"

Arthit was shook when he read the message. Jaidee  liked him!? His crush....he even planned to propose her in the past.

Arthit hesitantly typed and sent reply.

Hey people! I'm sorry for late update....and short chapter.....I've been really busy lately.....and couldn't get time to update. Also, I'm pretty confused with the ending.


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