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Arthit was concerned when he saw the fear on Kong's face. He started to get annoyed by himself. Even after trying repeatedly he couldn't calm Kong down. When he couldn't think of anything else, he grabbed Kong by collar and pressed his lips against Kong's.

It lasted only for a few seconds, he quickly pulled away when he saw Kong staring at him with wide eyes in disbelief. Arthit, embarrassed enough, started walking backwards.

Kong was quick enough to pin Arthit to the elevator wall and turn the tables. He bit gently but Arthit's lower lip asking for his permission. Arthit's mind was debating at that moment.

Should I stop him?

But I started it.

Heck I want it so bad.

This is wrong though....

Kong pulled Arthit close to him holding his waist. Arthit gasped in surprise. That's when Kong took the advantage of the opportunity and entered his mouth violently.

Nevermind I'll just think about this later.

Arthit kissed him back, their lips moving in a perfect rhythm. Kong kissed Arthit hungrily, as if he had been waiting for this moment since eternity. Arthit returned the kiss with just as much vigor, ignoring the consequences later and choosing to live the moment.

The elevator started moving again with a jerk, which startled both of them. When they arrived at their floor, Arthit started moving towards his flat as quickly as possible.

Kong held Arthit's hand, trying to stop Arthit. He looked straight in Arthit's eyes.

"Arthit...why did you kiss me?" Kong asked with a firm voice.

"Hey I didn't! Y-you did...!" Arthit tried to blame Kong, but it didn't work.

"You did. And you know about the contract right?" Kong smirked.

If you kiss me, I get to devour you.

The last sentence of the contract rang in Arthit's head.

"N-no I did that to comfort you......this is not fair........a-and weren't you ignoring me earlier? Why are you talking now!?" Arthit tried to reason out.

"Oh yes I was.....I was really disappointed yesterday, but today well I sort of acted. You know, it's not everyday I see you chasing me." Kong shrugged

"The hell? You were acting all this time? And that.....what about the claustrophobia?" Arthit suspiciously asked Kongpob.

"Uh well, that was fake too. But I didn't expect you to...." Kong touched his lips,"kiss me"

Arthit stormed to his place angrily.  He didn't care about violating the contract anymore.  Kong called him out," Hey Arthit! I'm keeping THAT DUE!"

Arthit ignored Kongpob. On the other hand Kong was extremely happy about Arthit kissing him.

Arthit kissed me.... that-that means he likes me! He really does! I thought he really hated me.....but he cares for me.....he is concerned about me. That's it. I've decided. I'm going to ask him out.

Kongpob decided to ask Arthit to date him. He took out his phone and tapped something.

On the other hand, Arthit still couldn't believe he kissed Kong. Deep down, even he knows that he likes Kong, however he is not sure if he can accept that.

Arthit's phone buzzed. Arthit checked his messages.

Bossypants :"Hey cupcake! Are you a wifi? Cz I already feel connection."

Arthit was shocked to read that. It can't be a coincidence. This line,this name reminded him of THAT person. Arthit's mind was debating with his heart. His mind was telling Arthit that Kongpob is the one, but his heart was denying that.

Kongpob won't do that......he can't.

Arthit quickly headed to Kong's place. Kong was sitting on his sofa busy looking at his mobile screen.

Arthit barged in and snatched his phone.

"Woah Arthit! what's gotten into you!?" Kongpob was shocked.

Arthit checked Kong's phone and found out that his name was saved as 'cupcake'.

"Kongpob. I'm going to ask something very seriously." Arthit looked at Kong.

Kongpob was terrified. Arthit seemed really angry over something, about which he had no clue.

"Are you the one who messaged me anonymously few months back?" Arthit asked looking straight in his eye.

Kong nodded. "Y-yah. I messaged you, but--"

"Shut up Kongpob! I'm done with you. I never thought you could be him. I have you. Just stay away from me. You get that?" Arthit started moving back to his place.

"Hey but what did I do wrong!?" Kong was confused. He wasn't able to get why Arthit was angry with him. He did message him anonymously, but what's the big deal over it? He lost his phone later on, and after that he never messaged Arthit.

Hey people! Late update again🤦

About this chapter....for those who don't remember what is happening, refer chap 22


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