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5 years later.

Ohm's POV (to readers)

It's been two hours now. I've still got so much to do. It's Kong's birthday today and he's throwing a party at his house. Now you must be thinking when did I and Kong become friends? Well two years ago I joined his company. And Arthit was our connecting link.

I met Jaidee there too. She replaced Earth. Such a sweet lady she is. I like being around her. Hey! Don't think we're in a relationship. Ah I don't know. I think I like her. Should I ask her out? What do you think?

Back to Kongpob and Arthit. You know I was quite surprised that everyone in the office knew about their relationship. I thought only I knew. I didn't really think that Arthit will be so open about his relationship with Kong. I find it weird, but maybe Kong convinced him? Idk.

I remember the day when Arthit told me that he was in relationship with Kong. I didn't expect Arthit to be a gay, I even asked him about this. But all he said was,"I'm gay only for Kong."

Back to Kong's birthday, well I'm planning on buying him a gift. He invited me, Bright and Jaidee. And this reminds me, I gotta pick up Jaidee. It's about time. But before that I should call Arthit and ask if they're ready?

I called Arthit and he picked up in sixth ring.


"Hello Arthit! Are you ready? Should I pick up Jaidee?"

"Y-yeah I-ahhh am ready.....mmm...."

"Are you okay?"

"Argh Kong give me a minute,will you!?

The fuck I should have known this. I seriously should get used to him making out with Kong on my call.

"Hey Ohm what's up? Why do you keep disturbing us?"

And there it is. The lion himself.

"Kong i wanted to remind you that YOU invited US in your party in case you're forgetting and I'm TELLING you that we're coming."

"Hey can't you like delay a bit? You know I'm pretty occupied with....stuff."

Argh seriously? Can't these people stop getting all lovey dovey for just a minute?

"No way. We're coming. So you better get yourself free with whatever STUFF you're doing and get dressed up."

"Ok bye my kitten is waiting for me."

With this he hung up. Aish I can imagine the death glares Arthit would be giving him right now. Hehe.

I went to Jaidee's place to pick her up. Damn she is so beautiful. I just hope, when we reach, Kong and Arthit won't let poor Jaidee see...you know....STUFF.

I reached Kong's door with Jaidee and Bright. With a deep breath, I knocked the door. And there they were. Opened the door to welcome us. Fully dressed for god's sake.

The party went on very well. Kong and Arthit sticked to each other like one person. We played, got drunk. I kept looking at Jaidee from time to time. And I could tell you she must have blushed once or twice.

If I tell you about Kong and Arthit, well I MUST tell you that Arthit totally changes Infront of Kong. All shy and flushed. Still he keeps in mind his ego and keeps himself composed. It's rare to see such sides of him without Kong.

And hence, I decided to use this weakness of Arthit.

"Why don't we say something to like appreciate Kongpob? He deserves it on his birthday!" I suggested.

Everyone agreed. Bright started with a boring speech. I swear I kept yawing the whole time. Thanks to the chips to keep me awake. Then Jaidee came, and I couldn't concentrate on anything except her sweet voice. Damn is she a singer? Her voice is so melodious.

Then my turn.

"Blah blah blah blah blah........ Happy birthday Kong."

Hey don't think I said that. I'm a good speaker. It's just that I don't want you people to get bored with my speech, because you don't have chips.

Next was Arthit. He didn't say anything. He kept denying. I knew itt! He would never appreciate Kong. I've never seen him do it in public at least.

"Come on Arthit! It's Kong's birthday. You should!! Or wait let me make it easy for you"

I gave him a paper and a pen.

"Write it down. Your feelings for him. Write it and give it to him."

He thought for a while before taking the paper and writing something on it for a few seconds. He passed it to Kong.

"What!? Did you even write anything more than a few words? Is that it?" I was confused.

Meanwhile Kong stared at Arthit for a while before grabbing his wrist and pulling him to his room.

He looked at me and said,"Make yourself comfortable. We'll be going now."

"W-wait where are we going?" Arthit asked confused while Kong continued to pull him.

"Yeah exactly where are you going!?"
Everyone was confused.

"For second round!" Kong replied before shutting his room door.

The heck? These two seriously! This ain't the first timeee....they do it a lot of times. Talking in code language and then suddenly poof! Gone!

I was confused. And curious. What did Arthit write this time? I picked up the paper and read.

One sentence? And nothing lovey dovey in that. So unromantic that was. What's happening! I can't even understand this. Argh nevermind. I asked Bright and Jaidee if they wanna hang out, and left the paper back on the paper.

What are you saying?? You wanna know what is written there? Oh you won't understand it at all. He wrote...

"Be it one or two, you'll always be NOTHING to me."


Thank you so much for all your support and love! And a special thanks to all those people who kept commenting and encouraging me to write! I hope we'll meet again in future.

With loads of love♥️


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