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"Answer it." Kong ordered Arthit.

Arthit let out a sigh of relief. Thank God! I'm saved. Kong slowly pulled away his hands.

"Hello?" As soon as Arthit answered his phone, Kong's hand returned to his waist again.  He slightly pulled up the hem of his T-shirt.

"W-who's there?" Arthit glared at Kong and mouthed him to stop. Kong just did the opposite. He slid his fingers under his T-shirt. 

A familiar voice was heard on the other end Of the call.

"Hey Arthit! I'm Ohm. How are you doing man?" Ohm sounded enthusiastic.

"Agh ....I a-m good.....y-you?" Arthit was having a very difficult time, he wanted to concentrate on what ohm was telling him, but Kong's fingers were trailing his waist, giving him a lot of butterflies in his stomach.

"And I heard you're in Pattaya city now?" Arthit wasn't concentrating anything now. Kong is moving his fingers as if it was a playground for him.

"Mhmmm...y-yes" Arthit wanted Ohm to just shut up and get lost, he couldn't have talked, at least not NOW.

Kong attacked in Arthit's neck again, nibbling on his weak spots. Arthit let out a soft moan.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ARTHIT!!!!" Arthit was startled when he heard ohm's voice. Damn He's still on call!? I'm doone...! Oh heaven I'm cominggggbdgfggf

"N-nothing Ohm....Aaah" Arthit let out another moan when Kong bit him gently.

"YOU DARE TO MASTURBATE ON MY CALL!?" Arthit was cursing Kong to death in his mind. His friend heard him moan.

"I need to go Ohm!" Arthit quickly ended the call and pulled away from Kong. Kong gave him a confused look.

"T-time up!" Arthit quickly started heading out of Kong's room.

"Ah this early!? Hey! Don't you wanna celebrate my birthday?" Kong asked.

"No! We just did-" Arthit regretted as soon as he spoke that. Kong smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Argh nothing." Arthit moved as quickly as possible, and banged his toe on the table.

"Aahh you fricking piece of wood! I know you're at his side too." Arthit winced. Kong burst out into laughter watching Arthit ranting at the table. Arthit ignored him and left.

Damn I should not have stayed....I'm a fool. But that was hot . .....no no no! What are you thinking Arthit!? It was totally gross. Ah why does his touch affect me so much....... and why can't I deny him.....and these thoughts. Argh I'm again thinking of him.

In the evening, Earth and Yong came to Kong's place. Arthit was ready too, and all of them decided to travel by car. Arthit avoided being around Kong much, bothered by his own thoughts for him.

"So who's gonna drive?" Arthit was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Earth's voice.

"Oh I'll drive." Yong  replied confidently.
"Kong sir can sit in the front, Arthit and Earth can sit at the back."

"No I want to sit at the back. I won't be comfortable in the front seat." Kong didn't like the idea of making Arthit and Earth sit together. He wanted Arthit to sit with him.

"Earth can you--" Kong was about to ask Earth to sit in front when Arthit interrupted.
"It's okay, I'll sit in front."

Without giving a second glance at Kong, Arthit sat in the front seat. Earth sat with Kong. After a while, the deafening silence was broken by Yong.

"Hey I know we're going for a very important deal, but is it forbidden to enjoy a bit?"

Yong's words reminded Arthit, that it was Kong's birthday today. He can't just continue ignoring him. At least not for today. Nobody knew about his birthday, he must be feeling really sad and lonely.

A: "Yeah I think we should enjoy a little......it's Kong sir's birthday today!"

Kong gulped. He forgot to tell Arthit that it was a lie.

"Huh? Did you forget Arthit? There's still a week left for his birthday...don't you remember we went to his house last year?" Yong tried to clear Arthit's confusion.

Arthit thought about it for a minute. Yong was indeed right. He went to Kong's birthday party last year, but didn't get to meet Kong.

Arthit glared at Kong angrily. Kong looked back at him with apologetic eyes.

Sorry for the late update people... I'm just confused how should I proceed now. Give your ideas please? How should Kong make up with Arthit?


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