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Arthit stormed out of kong's cabin. He felt slightly guilty , but he believed what he said was indeed right. And maybe , Kong starts taking his work seriously after what Arthit said to him ? Who knows.

At night , Arthit couldn't stop thinking about Kong. Somewhere deep down , he didn't want to believe himself, his thoughts. No matter how much Kong messed with him , but he can't be that insensitive and careless. He can't be that inconsiderate to the company, and his father , who worked hard in making it reach great heights. Maybe Kong is just distracted by him in the office? And he works at home ? Like Arthit does ?

Arthit couldn't hold the guilt in his heart anymore. He wanted to help Kong in this , keeping aside the endless war going on between them.

Arthit picked up his phone and texted 'bossypants'

"Hey Kong ! Arthit here. I guess I need to talk. "

Arthit waited for almost an hour , trying his best to not fall asleep . There was a lot of work still pending, and they had just 5 days. He checked his phone again , but there was no reply from Kong.

Why hasn't he replied yet ?

Is he too much upset with what I said this morning ?

I don't think he'd be asleep yet , it's just 11 pm. There's a lot of work pending.

I should go and check. .

Arthit stood Infront of kong's door knocking it gently. There was no response. He knocked it again. Again no response. He peeked through the window , and found the lights off , darkness everything. Arthit was shocked ! He really slept !? With all that work on his head ?

How the heck can he sleep !?

Is he not aware of the deadline or what !?

Argh I should have known this.

I was feeling guilty , but I guess I was right. He just doesn't give a shit to this project.

Arthit stormed back to his apartment. He was really pissed. Not because Kong had slept. Because he didn't care even after Arthit snapped at him in the morning due to this.

Next morning , Arthit walked in the office , finally dressed up the way he usually does. Past two days he had been trying to seduce Kong , so he had to be very careful about his outfit.

The first thing Arthit did was going to Yong. After Arthit , Yong was the one who was the most intelligent and talented in their company. Yong was close to Kong too.

A : " Hey Yong I need your help. "

Y : " Sure Arthit ! Tell me ." .

A : " You see , you me and Kong sir , we all have the maximum work on our shoulders. I want you to finish your work quickly, I'm doing it too , so that we can help Kong sir"

Y : "That's fine with me.....but why do you want to suddenly help Kong sir ? I don't think he needs--"

A : " But I know he does. He's really irresponsible person. He is taking his work very lightly and I doubt we won't be able to complete this in time "

Y : "What are you talking about Arthit ? I think you're mistaken. He's probably the most dedicated right now. Though he is calm and polite , but he's having the maximum burden ."

Arthit was quite surprised at Yong complimenting Kong.

Y : He worked overtime yesterday.  He didn't even go back to his home. He worked all night . He was saying he'd work overtime now. He wants this project to be a success.

Arthit suddenly felt a pang in his chest . Is that why there was no response when he knocked on his door yesterday? He was not at home !?  He stayed in the office, in that underground room.

Arthit immediately ran to Kong's cabin.

" What's up Arthit ? Everything alright?"
Kong asked Arthit with concern , when Arthit suddenly crashed into the table.

" Ah well " Arthit said , panting , " I am sorry Kong. For yesterday. I didn't know--"

K : " It's alright Arthit. I didn't mind it. You were right. I should pay more attention to work."

A : Nah Kong ! You're already having a lot of burden. You're still trying to do your best. I was distracting you --

" So you agree that you're distracting me"
Kong replied smirking.

A : " I'm sorry Kong. I should be more serious about work. But don't worry. Lets be friends . I'm going to help you.  In every way possible."

K : " In every way possible Arthit? "

" Argh ignore the friends thing. I am good hating you. " Arthit replied.

K : "I don't know about friends , but I don't mind being friends with benefits."

A : "Kong ! "

They chuckled and went back to work.

Oohlala Arthit is getting soft towards Kong. Let's see what's gonna happen next !


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