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Next morning, Arthit opened his eyes slowly. He was feeling way better than yesterday. Perfectly fine. Arthit looked at himself, he was wearing only boxers and his shirt buttons were all undone. He shot up from bed, trying to remember what happened. He saw Kong sleeping on the couch. Before he could process anything, Kong opened his eyes, grinning at Arthit.

Arthit got confused, but without giving it a thought, he got up and he kicked Kong off the couch.

"Owww baby! Is this how you're going to wake me up after marriage!?" Kong winced. "By the way! You just touched me! Do I get five minutes now !?" Kong cheered childishly on this realisation.

"No! What did you do with me last night!?  You fricking signed a contract of NOT TOUCHING ME!" Arthit snapped at Kong.

Kong thought for a while.  "You really want to know?" Kong smirked. Arthit's eyes widened.

Faint memories of last night flicked through Kong's mind.

Arthit whispered under his breath,"Kong...."

"You were needy Arthit, you wanted it, you wanted me. You said that yourself." Kong smirked.

Kong took out Arthit's shoes carefully.

"I started with your toes..... your feet."

Kong took off Arthit's jeans to make him feel comfortable. He unbuttoned his shirt.

"I took off your jeans to see those bare thighs of yours, and unbuttoned your shirt buttons to taste your milky white chest."

Kong was teasing Arthit, and Arthit was nearly believing him.

Kong moistened a clean cloth and placed it on Arthit's forehead, to lower his body temperature. He placed a soft kiss on Arthit's forehead.

"Then I started planting kisses on your body, leaving no inch." Kong said seductively.

"STOPPPPPPP!" Arthit didn't want to hear anything further. Kong chuckled on seeing Arthit's expressions.

"I lost my virginity to an idiot! A fricking wild beast!?" Arthit said in disbelief.

"You did. But Arthit? Why don't you remember anything? Do you really not remember the fun we had last night? Are you not sore?" Kong tried to make it realistic, still teasing Arthit.

Arthit's hand automatically went to his lips, sliding down to his ass, he gulped a numerous times trying hard to believe Kong.

"S-so I ...I mean w-we did THAT?" Arthit tried to confirm again.

Kong pressed his lips to suppress his laughter," Yessss Arthit! How many times should I repeat? You seduced me, you said you wanted me, u couldn't control myself." Kong shrugged.

"Now you have to be careful Arthit, your ass might hurt. Walking, sitting, do everything carefully alright?" Kong warned Arthit, making fun of his innocence. Arthit justs nodded in response.

Next few hours with pretty difficult for Arthit. He moved out of the building  where he saw Bright calling for a taxi. Bright was also leaving for work.  He smiled at Bright to greet him. Bright started moving quickly towards Arthit, smiling mischievously. Before Arthit could process anything, Bright spanked Arthit on his butt and got into the taxi quickly.

"The fuck Bright!" Arthit shouted.

But Arthit, was pretty confused as his ass didn't hurt even a bit.

Bright spanked me, still it didn't hurt. I didn't expect Bright to be this weak! 

Arthit walked into his office very awkwardly, heading to his desk. He was careful enough, avoiding to bump into some random furniture. He remembered Kong's warning very well.

Earth looked at him confused.

"Are you alright Arthit? Why are you walking in this way?" Earth questioned.

"I'm afraid my ass might hurt." Arthit sat down extremely slowly, gently placing his ass on the chair.

"Huh? What did you say?" Earth asked to confirm if he heard him correctly. Arthit regretted saying that.

" Aha I fell off my bed this morning .....that's why....." Arthit beat himself a thousand times in his mind before saying that.

"Ooh Arthit you're so clumsy. By the way, how's your fever?" Earth placed a hand on Arthit's forehead, "It's almost gone now."

Arthit could vaguely recall what happened yesterday. He was ill. Kong came to his house. He doesn't know what happened after that. But certainly, Kong took care of him all night. He even slept on couch!  Arthit regretted kicking Kong this morning. He quickly took out his phone and left a message to bossypants--

"Thank you for taking care of me last night Kong."

Damn I had fun writing this chapter 😂......... Kong teasing Arthit! And Arthit is such an innocent baby 😭.

In this chapter, what I wrote in italics, when Kong was trying to tease Arthit, is the real thing, what happened in the night. Kong sort of....just a bit .... exaggerated 😂😂😂 

And Yessss ....what do you think of the media I attached with this chapter! I love that picture of Singto😬😬😬


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