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" What do you think about this , Kong ? " Arthit showed Kong the necessary documents they were working on . It's been an hour now , and Kong had said nothing about it. It was just Arthit giving his ideas and Kong replying," yeah we can do that. "

" You say , what do you think ? " Kong asked Arthit .

" Argh come on Kong , I've been talking about it a lot. It's your turn now. " Arthit replied annoyed.

" Oh so you like a switch ? " Kong cocked an eyebrow. 

" Shut up and tell me about what you think about this. A penny for your thoughts? " Arthit replied still focusing on work.

K : " trust me I am willing to  give you all of me without a single penny "

"Were you born on highway ? " Arthit asked out of nowhere.

" Huh ? No why ? " Kong asked confused by Arthit's question.

" Because most of the accidents happen there." Arthit replied bluntly.

Kong was amused by Arthit's answer.

" I don't mind you and me getting into an ' accident' though " Kong smiled from ear to ear.

" Are you a real idiot or you just like showing off when I am around ? " Arthit crossed his hands across his chest.

" I don't know about being an  idiot , but there are other things I really want to show you. "

Arthit quickly threw a pen towards Kong.

" Oww baby that hurt " Kong winced.

Arthit laughed , satisfied with his perfect shot.

After a while , Arthit got up and started moving out of the cabin.

" Hey where are you going ?" Kong didn't want Arthit to leave just yet.

" Washroom. Wanna join ? " Arthit replied sarcastically.

" Would love to. " Kong got up from his place to follow Arthit.

Arthit was shocked .

Did he take my words seriously!? Damn him.

Kong was following Arthit to the washroom, when the lady at the reception called out for Arthit.

" Arthit ! You got a call ! "

Arthit looked at Kong , " I guess you have to go ahead without me now. " Arthit gave him a cheeky grin.

" Never.  I'll always follow you. " Kong replied Arthit , with a serious face.

A : "Shut up Kong ! Just go ! "

Kong chuckled and went in the direction of the washroom. Arthit moved quickly to the reception to attend the call.

A : " Hello ? "

L : " Hello sir . Good afternoon. I wanted to ask if you've checked the email yet. "

It was the same lady who had called yesterday ,same voice..... Arthit really wanted to know her identity.

A : " Oh Hi ! I checked your email. Thank you so much for the details. "

L : " It was my duty sir. You're welcome. "

Should I ask her ? What If she's really HER ? I really wish she is. But if she's not , wouldn't it be too weird too ask ?

By the time Arthit's mind was busy in debating , the call ended.

I don't know if what I'm thinking is right , but if she really is here in this city , I'd like to meet her. But what about Kong ? Should I tell Kong ? Wait why am I thinking about him !? I shouldn't. What am I even to him? Ofcourse he confessed to me , but that was just one day after he actually knew me. I cannot trust him .....argh why am I even giving it a thought. He's just a friend , yeah a friend.

Arthit headed towards the washroom.

While washing hands , Arthit was still thinking about the voice he heard on the phone. As he stepped backwards , he bumped into someone.

" I'm sor---- WHAT THE HECK !? "

Arthit was stunned as he realised the person was none other than Kong.

"Were you in the Washroom all this time !? " Arthit asked , dumbstruck to find Kong still in the Washroom.

" I was waiting for you." Kong shrugged as he walked closer to Arthit.

"W-what are you doing? " Arthit was confused when Kong started stepping towards him.

" You just accidentally bumped into me. Don't you think I should get a minute? " Kong smirked.

" W-wait this is cheating dude ! This wasn't mentioned in contract !? Only touching was mentioned ! " Arthit argued not wanting to be Kong's prey again.

" That's what it was ! ACCIDENTAL TOUCH? I get a minute. Stop complaining. " Kong moved closer to Arthit.

Uh oh ! Arthit is doomed again. Save Arthit ! Anyone ! 😂😂


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