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The next two days were very tiring for the people working in 'Kongarthas' group. They had worked very hard.  Arthit , Kongpob, worked overtime , and made it possible to complete this project within few days , with perfection.

Kong announced cheerfully , " I think we're going to complete this today ! "

Everybody clapped enthusiastically and cheered.

" Ahh finally ! "

" I had never worked this much in my entire life !"

" I hope our hard work makes us get this deal "

" Just one day more ! "

Random inaudible murmuring spread across the room. No matter what the result is , they were satisfied with their work. Kong looked at Arthit , who didn't seem as cheerful as he usually is.

Maybe he still isn't satisfied? Maybe he still needs perfection ? But what we have done in this week is far beyond perfection. But Arthit knows better. He had accompanied my father to so many meetings and trips before , he knows the level .

Kong moved to Arthit , " Is there any problem Arthit ? Are you satisfied? "

A : " Yeah , I hope this is going to be the best. "

K : "Then why aren't you happy ? Why do you sound so low ?"

Arthit shook his head , " I don't know . Maybe I'm just tired ? "

K : " I think you should get some rest. "

A : " I'm fine Kong. We'll complete this today. "

Arthit had been working very hard with Kong. In the past two days , he wasn't having sufficient sleep , he just used to take short naps in between. He wasn't taking his meals properly.  When it comes to work , Arthit ignores his health , and it results in making Arthit sick.

Earth stepped in the conversation between Kong and Arthit.

E : Yeah Arthit , sir is alright. We'll handle this. You should rest.

A : I'm fine Earth , I'll manage.

Earth shrugged and went back to his work.

Office hours got over. Arthit was still working with Kong. Everybody had left , except for these two  and Earth. 
Arthit stretched his arms leaning on his Chair. He closed his eyes for a minute.
Why am I feeling this dizzy. ....... I think I need rest. Once I complete this , I'll go and sleep a lottttttt. I miss sleeping so much !

Earth stood up and packed his stuff , ready to leave.

E : " Hey Arthit ! I'll be leaving now. Want me to drop you ? "

Kong was listening to Earth, wishing and making prayers in his mind.

Please say no Arthit......don't go with him !

Kong relaxed when Arthit replied , "No Earth , I'll go myself. I don't want to cause you any trouble. "

Earth placed his hand on Arthit's forehead , which made Kong's blood boil. It was getting hard for Kong to stay composed.

E : " Oh Arthit ! You have fever ! You should rest dude ! Your body temperature has increased a lot. "

Hearing this , Kong softened a little, worried more about Arthit now.

A : " Oh really ? I didn't realise that. That's why I was feeling so dizzy today."

Earth had serious concern on his face.
" Enough work Arthit , let's go. I'll drop you. You should get some rest , really. You should take care of yourself ! "

Kong smiled to himself.
What is Earth talking about..... He doesn't know that Arthit is too clumsy to take care of himself. He needs someone. He needs me. I should ask Arthit to stay with me tonight. If he stays by himself today , his condition might worsen.

" Maybe you're right. I should rest , or I won't be able to make it to Pattaya city with you all for the deal. Alright , Earth, wait for me outside. I'll pack my stuff and come. " Arthit replied , thinking about it carefully. It is really important to him to go to Pattaya city.

Once Earth left , Kong stood up and went close to Arthit.

" Arthit , I think you should stay. " Kong was worried about Arthit. He wanted to take care of him.

" No Kong. I guess you'll have to do the rest of the work yourself. I'm sorry about this. " Arthit replied , thinking that Kong wants him to stay for work.

" No Arthit , I don't want you to work. I know you won't take care of yourself well enough. I want you to rest here , in the secret room. I'll be here , so I can take care of anything you want and --"

Arthit cut him off ," No Kong. I am not a kid ! I'll take care of myself. You can just continue working. "

Kong tried to convince arthit , but all in vain. When Arthit was about to leave , Kong blocked his way.

A : " Ah what do you want Kong ? Let me go ! "

Kong looked straight in Arthit's dark brown eyes , very seriously. This time , there was no mischief in his eyes.

" Stay. Arthit. "

Ah please stay Arthit ! Kong will take better care of you ! 🙄🙄


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